PWS 600au with Alpha Core

Phillip G Deneault deneault at WPI.EDU
Wed Feb 9 19:10:04 UTC 2005

Noone's suggestion worked, but here is another data point.

FreeBSD 5.3 wouldn't boot it's install either until I took everything 
off the PCI bus and tried again.  I then put the Q-logic SCSI card into 
one of the 64-bit slots and it booted ok and installed without a problem.

I also looked at output from all the various boot installs via Google 
and it seems to be hanging when scanning/accessing the PCI bus.  Since 
the Miata uses a PCI to PCI bus going from their 64-bit slots to the 
32-bit slots, it makes me wonder if there is a way to disable the pci 
bus entirely(or at least the pci to pci bridge) from a boot option.

Is this making since?  I'm assuming my hardware is ok since the machine 
is up and running with FreeBSD.

I've been thinking I'm going to try to put in an additional card now 
that I have a working install since there might be more diagnostics I 
can use.


jon norstog wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 15:31, Phillip G Deneault wrote:
>>I've attempted to get Alpha Core .9 installed on my PWS, however after 
>>choosing my boot option from aboot I get the following text and then the 
>>install simply stops.  
> Dear Phillip, & list:
> The PWS series can be a little cranky installing RH Linux from the
> CDrom.  I've read a number of explanations and have some experience as
> well.
> Sometime it helps to get an old, slow CDrom drive and plug it into the
> IDE cable.  This has worked well for me with a 11996-vintage Sony 8x
> drive.  Your local thrift store will probably have a bin full priced
> below $5.
> The other alternative is a SCSI CDrom.  I got a pack of 5 68-pin Plextor
> 24X drives for $10.  They work well enough on a fresh install.  But on a
> really iffy install, I've had the best luck with the old Sony.  And a
> fresh install over a formatted hard drive is infinitely easier than an
> upgrade or install over old without formatting.
> Go figure.
> jn
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Phil Deneault              "We work in the dark. We do what we can.
deneault at                              We give what we have.
Network Security Analyst 		  Our doubt is our passion,
Network Operations                     and our passion is our task.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute    The rest is the madness of art."   		      - Henry James

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