Alpha Core 3 is available

Mike Barnes mike at
Thu Mar 8 21:14:51 UTC 2007

Carl Lowenstein wrote:
> A similar request:  is there a list of YUM repositories?

I'm trying to get one together under All that's 
there right now is an unpacked version of the ISOs, and I haven't 
checked if the repodata is up to date (it's just what shipped on the 
CDs). I'll probably get AC2 in there over the weekend, as well.


I'd suggest a yum.conf structure like;

	name=Alpha Core $releasever - Base

	name=Alpha Core $releasever - Updates

	name=Alpha Core $releasever - Extras

I can't see any reason to use $basearch directories. :)

The last two would need to be disabled right now, as they don't exist, 
but I'll see if I can create empty placeholder repos soon.

Of course, my DS10's video card is dead right now, so I haven't even 
installed AC3 myself for testing.

Is anyone looking into tracking Fedora Core's released updates? I'm 
planning on a little "extras" repository myself, like I've got running 
for CentOS/Alpha, where if I build something like VLC I'll pop it in 
there for others.

When / if Cristian can arrange rsync access to the primary FTP site, 
I'll start tracking the development tree and everything else he's got. 
Oh, and rsync should be active on itself in a few hours.

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