New disk set Fedora-9

Oliver Falk oliver at
Mon Nov 10 08:33:18 UTC 2008

Alexey Chupahin wrote:
> Successfully installed new set of Fedora-9
> Gnome, hald and other things are works for first look... thanks.

Great to hear someone actually installed it :-)

> Everybody should look to  to 
> coordinate for a missing packages, right?


To add a few words about the 'missing' packages: The missing packages 
are most likely packages that I wasn't able to rebuild yet. Most likely 
compilation errors or missing dependencies, because of another missing 

I don't mind too much the packages that are 'older'. If a package used 
to compile, it's usually not too much work to get the newer rebuilt.

However. Please. Anyone, who has installed f9alpha. If you think you can 
fix one or the other package, please do it and let me know.

Please note, if the test section fails, commenting out the test-section 
actually is not a *fix*. It's a workaround in case several other 
packages are blocked... nss is a good example, because it blocked 
xulrunner and Jay and I had to skip the test that breaks.

However. Failing tests can be
1) Broken tests, not meant to be run on alpha - usually fixable
2) Broken library/package. Should be fixed.

> Jay, have you plans to public your repository (installation isos
> maden against) instead of

Jay and I try to coordinate fixes and anything I have will sooner or 
later be in Jays repo and vice versa.

At the moment - we are sorry. Since Jay has the more powerful machines, 
he was able to put together the distro much faster than I.

However. We are already thinking about putting Jays packages online at 

Again. Help wanted!


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