SVG, blinux and IBM-HPR

Jonathan Chetwynd j.chetwynd at
Sat Feb 18 09:50:53 UTC 2006

It would be a significant step if IBM Home Page Reader (or another  
talking web browser) could read Scaleable Vector Graphics.

SVG is a W3C standard for web graphics.

please excuse cross-posting

Jonathan Chetwynd is one possible test case.

SVG is popular with accessibility aware developers but this vital  
area is handicapped by the lack of appropriate tools

On 14 Feb 2006, at 18:27, Deepak Thomas wrote:


I am a project trainee at IBM and wold like to contribute to the Blinux
project but I am not sure how. I would love to develop something for my
project at IBM.Could someone please point me in the right direction.

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