Download tool for multiple files or wildcards in http

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at
Wed Apr 7 14:57:12 UTC 2004

Here's another way you can use curl with web braille.
Let's say you know that you want a sequence of brf files--for example,
12260-12269; or you can use that sequence even if you know that one or
more of those files doesn't exist but you want the ones in that range that
do exist. You can do:
curl -u username:password -O -f[0-9]v[01-05].brf
Now, of course, not all of these files will have five volumes, but you
should use the sequence for volumes that you believe will account for the
book with the most volumes.
This is really a fantastic tool!!!
Thanks again!!!

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

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