Lots of Trouble Extracting .rar Files?

Hart Larry chime at hubert-humphrey.com
Sat Jun 19 16:28:07 UTC 2004

I must have posted this earlier to the subscription address instead?  For some 
years I have been collecting rar encoded binaries from usenet.  I either grab 
messages in pine and run uudeview to decode, or grab files directly from an 
easynews web site.  Most of these rars find nothing to extract.  I can still 
extract older rars with .mod music files from years ago.
I am running unrar and rar in linux, with a Dec-PC, Speakup Fedora 1.
Also, many are posting par2 files incase we miss any of the rars.  We grabbed a 
linux program to handle these, however, I cannot find any command-line options 
to put everything together.
Are their any smarter rar extracting programs which any of you can please 
suggest which also handle wild cards?  Thanks so much in advance

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