Are there any Utilities that Read Delphi .cab Files?

Martin McCormick martin at
Wed Feb 16 19:56:49 UTC 2005

	I have a CDROM that is loaded with all kinds of
Windows-centric stuff but which contains a telephone directory data
base in .cab files.  A google search about this format says that it is
a Delphi Cabinet file hince the .cab designation.  Is there any
utility in command-line Linux I can run that will at least uncompress
the files so I can either read them or decode them by some other

	This is a telephone directory we are using at my place of work
so it is worthwhile to try to use this if at all possible.

	I don't even know for sure that JAWS users in Windows can use
this because it has a lot of javascript and flash in the engines that
display the screens that one must use to read this directory.

	Thanks to anybody for any good suggestions.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group

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