installing things

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Tue Aug 21 22:32:54 UTC 2007

One of uniq's cousins is comm and it works on multiple files.

On Tue, 21 Aug 2007, Tim Chase wrote:

>>  How do you remember all those lengthy commands?
> I find that, for myself, you learn the basic family of commands (the root 
> command name) and what it does.  I usually have a handful of common 
> parameters memorized, such as "-r" or "-R" meaning "recurse into 
> subdirectories" or "--verbose" for extra output.  Once I knew what the basic 
> commands did, I tend to dig in the man-pages for the given command to see 
> exactly what I want to do.  Those "lengthy commands" simply become a chaining 
> together of more simple commands you already know.
> An example might be learning the following list of commands (and building the 
> list as you find need)
> ls:  lists files
> grep:  searches for patterns in a file
> sed/awk:  edits files via a script
> less/more:  pages output
> find:  finds files matching conditions
> sort:  sorts files
> uniq:  performs "uniqueness" related tasks
> tr:  change one set of characters into another set of chars
> pwd:  print the current directory
> Once you understand what they're supposed to do, you can start to chain them 
> together to produce more complex results.  You can also explore their 
> man-pages when you think a particular command might be able to do something 
> related to what you already know. For example, the "grep" command finds (and 
> prints) lines that match a given pattern.  This might lead you to wonder if 
> there's an option to make it print lines that *don't* match a given pattern. 
> Indeed, grep takes a "-v" parameter to inVert the printing so that it only 
> prints lines that *don't* match the given pattern.
> Some commands, however, I find myself helpless and constantly referring to 
> the manual EVERY SINGLE TIME (which, isn't all that often).  Burning a CD, 
> transcoding audio/video or manipulating images with ImageMagick require that 
> I spend some time with their man pages (or their help output).
>>  can you copy them all to a clipboard like thing and run them
>>  in sequence?
> yes, depending on your environment, you can copy/paste commands into the 
> command-line.  The "how" of it varies depending on what controls the 
> clipboard.  In "screen", you can use control+A followed by "]" to mark some 
> screen stuff to keep, and then use control+A followed by "[" to paste the 
> contents you snagged.  In a terminal emulator (whether a 
> telnet/ssh/xterm/rxvt whatever) session, the clipboard is controlled by the 
> owning application (windows or X), and any associated copy/paste commands 
> should work there, with "paste" acting as if you typed the command.
> Copy & paste work well for beginners, but as you advance, it's troublesome 
> and prevents you from learning how to construct your own solutions to things.
> Just my own learning path,
> -tim
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