
Daniel Dalton d.dalton at
Mon Dec 10 08:09:13 UTC 2007

On Sun, 9 Dec 2007, Hart Larry wrote:
> your quoting, just go in pine, m for main menu, s for setup  and c for 
> config. Either look for the 3rd instance of quote  or just arrow down til you 
> find an item which looks similar to what I sent.  You will press enter--and 
> change the numeric value to minus 10 if you don't want any quoting.  Once you 
> are happy with any-and-all your changes, hit e--and it will prompt  with 
> "committ changes, y n?"

I added the line in .pinerc and it worked. Thanks.

> You see, as I have quoting disabled, I guess you may have quoted some or all 
> of my comments?  All I saw were the date refferences

I did.
One question though.
What happens if someone asks for example
Is it possible to listen to music on linux.
And someone wrote below there text yes it is.
How would you know what question that is in reply to?

Thanks for the help,

Daniel Dalton
d.dalton at

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