grml linux

Tony Baechler tony at
Tue Feb 19 09:47:18 UTC 2008

I don't know.  Why not download and burn the live CD and find out?  You 
can go to and look through the included packages.  I 
burned 1.1rc1 and it booted fine several times.  I really didn't explore 
much beyond the basics.  It has sound support and software speech so I 
would assume it has a media player but you're on your own beyond that.  
Fortunately it only takes a little time to download and burn so you're 
not out much if you don't like it.  I strongly suggest the BitTorrent as 
it is very, very slow otherwise.  You could also try Ubuntu which 
definitely has those things but runs under X and is much slower to 
boot.  It includes Orca and software speech also.  I don't think grml 
has Orca.

josh wrote:
> does grml have any text word processors, text games, email, web 
> browser, spreadsheet, and media player and stuff like that?

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