RSS readers and podcatchers

Tony Baechler tony at
Wed Jan 30 09:08:48 UTC 2008


My solution for both is rss2email which is a Debian package and requires 
Python.  As the name implies, it parses rss feeds and sends you email.  
I've been using it since 2005 with success.  It isn't a podcast client 
in the traditional sense but it supports enclosures so you can access 
them as you would regular links.  I use Mutt and can go into urlview, 
arrow to the link I want and open it in Lynx.  If it's an mp3 file, it 
gives the usual save to disk options and the download prompt.  That's 
just my solution but I've been happy with it.  You'll want a local mail 
server, otherwise you could be sending hundreds of messages through a 
remote smtp server.  I'm currently pulling about 80 feeds and I get 
about 300 messages per day.  I created a special, private rss email 
address for the purpose.

Geoff Shang wrote:
> I must be one of the last people on Earth to dip my towe in both of 
> these particular ponds, but I am finally doing it and would like 
> suggestions of software to use for reading RSS feeds and downloading 
> podcasts.  I've found Snownews for RSS feeds and plan on looking at it 
> (it sounds like the kind of thing I'm looking for).  Have not 
> investigated podcatching at all.

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