Questions about Fedora

Asuka Langley hunkumori at
Thu Jul 31 17:37:32 UTC 2008


My blind friend is started to use Fedora, and he have some questions
regarding the options, and some settings. I would like to ask you about
these, about any solutions regarding his problems. So here are the problems:

- Orca doesn't speak up gparted
- The services is the same, no speak up with orca. Is there a command line
tool for it? To turn off iptables and so on? (The firewall management is the
same, no speak up).
- SElinux management. Same goes here, no speak up. Any other way to turn it
off and relabel on next restart?
- System / administration / authentication and the date and time, and the
users and groups. How can I make Orca read them up?

Sorry if I mistyped something, my english is bad, I know, I'm still learning
it. Thanks in advance and I hope you can understand what I mentioned above.
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