volume help please

Tim Chase blinux.list at thechases.com
Tue Mar 18 12:28:39 UTC 2008

> microphone or line in.  On my system, I do this to adjust my playback 
> volume, but adjust as necessary for your sound card.  Watch the case.
> amixer set Master playback 100,100

In one of my keymap files (in this case, .fluxbox/keys as I use 
fluxbox as my window manager) I have the following:

Shift Mod4 V :exec /usr/bin/amixer set Master 5-,5-
Control Mod4 v :exec /usr/bin/amixer set Master 3+,3+
Mod4 v :exec /usr/bin/amixer set Master toggle

which map to the soft-keys on my laptop keyboard for volume-down, 
volume-up, and toggle-mute.  In whatever environment you're 
using, such keymaps might be configured to give you one-key 
access to these three functions.

Or, they could be wrapped in a script to simplify them.


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