printing signs from command line

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Fri Jul 31 08:05:30 UTC 2009

No, lp biglots.txt printed out the same way as did lpr.  What's worse now, 
cat biglots.txt doesn't even make it out to the printer.  By the way, 
there's only one parallel port on this machine.  If I try to use dos to 
print the file out it prints out perfectly, this I had verified by someone 
with vision earlier.  So whatever is happening here or not happening is 
now only as a result of Linux.  Could be the printer doesn't do postscript 
and the rasterizing facilities are broken.  In lpadmin manual I think 
mention is made of an interface option for legacy printers.  This printer 
type is most definitely legacy not having been manufactured for the last 
20 years at least.  Is what I have in terms of a command correct to use 
this interface and set that up for this printer or is that likely to break 
more things?

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