Looking for a CD Burner in Debian

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Fri Dec 3 22:59:00 UTC 2010

Not on slackware yet though.On Fri, 3 Dec 2010, Christopher Brannon wrote:

> Geoff Shang <geoff at quitelikely.com> writes:
>> I've never used wodim, but all other CD writers I've used (cdrdao,
>> cdrecord) can take wav files without converting them to CDR first.
>> They probably have to be at 44.1 kHz stereo though.
> wodim is basically a fork of cdrecord.  The Debian people forked it for
> licensing reasons.  On many distributions, it's the default CD-burning
> utility.  cdrecord may even be a symlink pointing to it.  This is the
> case on ArchLinux; I'm not sure about others.
> Here's what the man page says about acceptable audio data:
> <quote>
> -audio
> If this flag is present, all subsequent tracks are written in CD-DA (similar to
> Red Book) audio format. The file with data for this tracks should contain
> stereo, 16-bit digital audio with 44100 samples/s.
> The byte order should be the following:
> MSB left, LSB left, MSB right, LSB right, MSB left and so on.
> The track should be a multiple of 2352 bytes.
> It is not possible to put the master image of an audio track on a raw disk
> because data will be read in multiple of 2352 bytes during the recording process.
> If a filename ends in .au or .wav the file is considered to be a structured
> audio data file. wodim assumes that the file in this case is a Sun audio file
> or a Microsoft .WAV file and extracts the audio data from the files by skipping
> over the non-audio header information.
> In all other cases, wodim will only work correctly if the audio data stream
> does not have any header. Because many structured audio files do not have an
> integral number of blocks (1/75th second) in length,
> it is often necessary to specify the -pad option as well.
> wodim recognizes that audio data in a .WAV file is stored in Intel
> (little-endian) byte order, and will automatically byte-swap the data if the CD
> recorder requires big-endian data. wodim will reject any audio file that does
> not match the Red Book requirements of 16-bit stereo samples in PCM coding at
> 44100 samples/second.
> Using other structured audio data formats as input to wodim will usually work
> if the structure of the data is the structure described above (raw pcm data in
> big-endian byte order). However, if the data format includes a header,
> you will hear a click at the start of a track.
> </quote>
> IMO, it's easier to just use sox myfile -t cdr myfile.cdr to convert
> everything, since I can be sure that myfile.cdr will be acceptable.
> -- Chris

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