How do blind people play games?

Kyle kyle4jesus at
Thu Jul 1 02:50:42 UTC 2010

On the subject of running games under Wine, I would add that most of Jim 
Kitchen's Windows games run under Wine with little to no trouble. Most 
SAPI5 speech synthesizers, which his games require in order to be 
self-voicing, also install and run with no difficulty. The only one of 
his games that won't work properly is Trucker, because it requires a 
screen reader instead of SAPI5 voices, and NVDA doesn't run properly 
with Wine.

As for a native Linux solution, I really like SoundRTS. Sorry, I don't 
have a link for this anymore, but it's written in Python and works very 

Thanks for letting us know that Top Speed 2 runs in Wine. I'll go and 
install it presently.


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