Restoring an nntp Connection?

Hart Larry chime at
Sat Mar 23 23:11:55 UTC 2013

Well, this is happening more than I like.  I am running trn4 in the middle of 
grabbing alot of articles, when my AT&T Uverse connection hickupped.  Sinc 
202PM trn is not resuming grabbing, so I wonder if there are commands to resume 
an nntp session?  I found a site which has network monitoring, which listed a 
command such as
net continue nntpsvc
However, I seem to not have a net command?  If I were to quit out of trn, I 
would probably have to grab these articles again as my .newsrc file is still in 
Also, somewhat related, can some1 please inform on  how I can get Leafnode 
running with trn?  I have a script which runs rn like this as of now:
# run trn
/usr/bin/trn -J20 -G -x0sml "-X1XD" -Ots -e -M +m -t -h +hfrom +Hnewsgr "$@"
# move any clarinet.* groups to .newsrc.clari
# re-sort the .newsrc file
Thanks so much in advance

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