Are w3c Standards Only for windows Sites-and-users?

John G. Heim jheim at
Mon Jun 16 23:19:25 UTC 2014

Come on, Karen, there is nothing in the W3C guidelines that says a web 
site must work with a particular browser no matter how old and obsolete. 
If you are going to tell me that lynx isn't old and obsolete, that would 
be different. You'd be right in pointing out that is an unwarranted 
assumption on my part. But don't try to tell me that a web site can't 
meet the w3c guidelines and still not work in all browsers.

I was addressing the question that was actually asked... Are W3C 
standards only for Windows? The answer is no but that doesn't mean lynx 
has to work. It's possible that if a site meets the W3C guidelines, then 
lynx will work. But the W3C guidelines are not written for any 
particular browser. And there is no guaranttee that your choice of 
browser will work even if a site meets the W3C guidelines.

On 06/16/2014 11:47 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> On the contrary, at  least  if a site is claiming to meet w3c 
> guidelines under wacg 2.0
> guideline 4.1 specifically states that a site must support current 
> user agents  and ensure support for future ones, which includes screen 
> readers...and browsers.
> Further, guideline 2.1 or so states that all functions must work from 
> the keyboard...which is part of the issue at the Safeway e-commerce site.
> Some of the most amazing discussions take place on the w3c mailing 
> list about how needless a choice java scripting is in web design. If a 
> site, as Safeway claims, represents itself as following these 
> guidelines, they must follow those guidelines.
> I should add that given there are no two people with the same label 
> who manages  their disability experience the same, a site runs the 
> risk of major discrimination if they try to dictate the adaptive tools 
> an individual chooses.
>  Just sharing,
> Karen
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2014, John G. Heim wrote:
>> But access for all  doesn't mean a web site has to support all 
>> browsers. You have a right to use whatever browser yu like but a web 
>> site doesn't have to work with your choice of browser.  By no means 
>> do I mean to criticize your decision to stick with speakup and lynx 
>> but that's a decision you've made. You can't expect web sites to 
>> accomodate your decision.
>> Notethat what I say above is not the same (logically) as saying that 
>> it's okay for web designers to write for specific browsers. That's 
>> not what I am saying and logically, it's not the same thing. As a 
>> practical matter, your choice of browser and screen reader will 
>> always be limited by the technical issues involved with making sites 
>> accessible. Web designers have a right to code their sites for 
>> browsers that are kept up to date technically.
>> On 06/13/2014 11:23 PM, Hart Larry wrote:
>>>  Wow, I suppose we in Linux may need our own version of a Civil Rights
>>>  Bill. HEheHEheHEheHE
>>>  Ther is a large Grocery chain which was involved in a 
>>> settlement-and-just
>>>  upgraded, or supposedly made its site accessible to all shoppers.
>>>  Until March of 2010 I was able to shop this site in Linux, maybe not
>>>  perfect, but if I were careful I filled out everything fine. 
>>> Beginning in
>>>  April 2010, no matter which Linux browser or JAWS I couldn't shop any
>>>  more. In their separate access site, their help FAQ said they did 
>>> not use
>>>  any complicated scripting such as javascript or css, however, in the
>>>  source-code, there they were.
>>>  Well, now April 30 has come-and-gone, I still cannot shop in either 
>>> L Y N
>>>  X or E L I N K S. When shopping by eile I notice items in a 
>>> catagory, but
>>>  none of them have any links to add to my cart.
>>>  So today intouch with a CSR, who found it, I can try chrome vox or 
>>> fire
>>>  vox. I tried looking for these with an "apt-get" in Debian, cannot 
>>> find.
>>>  Are these only for graphical browsers such as in an x11 display?
>>>  I was told that w3c requirements may give them choices of either html,
>>>  javascript, or css?
>>>  So if they are permitted to write a site which would not work for many
>>>  users, if they were picking 2 of those 3 choices, how is that 
>>> access for
>>>  all?
>>>  So many times especially during the last 2years, an onis is always on
>>>  myself to possibly run windows  or maybe ask asistance of some1 
>>> running a
>>>  graphical setup.
>>> >  From what I hear, L Y N X will maybe never have javascript support.
>>>  So what happens next? If indeede the standards give site owners 
>>> leeway in
>>>  leaving out a group of users, as well as a potential revenue loss. 
>>> Or even
>>>  worse, what happens if they drop delivery because of lack of shoppers?
>>>  Thanks alot for listening-and-I welcom all of your 
>>> ideas-and-suggestions.
>>>  I did try Orca many years ago but it was `quite slow, but also even in
>>>  Speakup in software speech, the volume was lo in I B M tts. I am 
>>> running
>>>  Speakup with a DecTalk U S B.
>>>  Hart
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