vinux4 info needed

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Sun Apr 19 23:24:03 UTC 2015

I'm using wget to download the iso from  Stuff to 
remember with using wget is --background --continue 
--max-redirect=1000 --trust-server-names all as options for wget when 
downloading anything from
That actually gets you the file or most of it.
You miss on some parts because of all of those wonderful 
redirects.  If anyone here uses vinux4 and is an rsync adept can you tell 
me a good command to use to rsynce my local vinux4 iso so I can get all 
those missing parts put into the iso?
I tried using aria2c and that came back in 2 seconds and told me the 
download was complete.  I check it out and the download is only 24K long 
so that software is messed up.  I have lftp and rtorrent on this bx I 
could try but don't know if they'll be able to handle the vinux4 magnet.

-- Twitter: JudeDaShiell

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