moving back to an old version

Kristoffer Gustafsson kg.kristoffer at
Mon Aug 17 05:46:21 UTC 2015

Ok, I'll try this ways, and a couple of others.
What distribution should you recomend if I decide to move away from debian?
I got so much problems when I installed debian two weeks ago, so I
don't want to go through that again.
Some things are not solved yet, so I'm thinking about removing it from
the computer.

2015-08-16 21:21 GMT+02:00, Kristoffer Gustafsson <kg.kristoffer at>:
> --
> Kristoffer Gustafsson
> Salängsgatan 7a
> tel:033-12 60 93
> mobil: 0730-500934
> Hi.
> How good is it to move back to an older version of Linux for a Little bit?
> I'm thinking of installing lenny.
> Then I got all I want at the moment, and what my computer can manage.
> Gnome-speech, good sound Tools etc.
> I'm planning to learn a Little basics. programming, compiling new
> kernels and such things.
> /Kristoffer

Kristoffer Gustafsson
Salängsgatan 7a
tel:033-12 60 93
mobil: 0730-500934

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