choosing distrubution

Kristoffer Gustafsson kg.kristoffer at
Wed Apr 27 09:30:24 UTC 2016

Kristoffer Gustafsson
Salängsgatan 7a
tel:033-12 60 93
mobil: 0730-500934
I've just ordered a new laptop.
The store where I bought it offers me to install Everything I want
there. anti virus, jaws and Linux.
The thing I'm wondering is what distrubition you thing to choose.
I told them to install debian. This is the distrubution I have used Before.
I Think about telling them to install just text interface, and then
install the graphical Environment by myself.
as default in debian there was a desktop called gnome-shell.
I don't want this junk, I want to change to something else.
is that easy?

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