enabling audio icons in emacspeak

Christopher Chaltain chaltain at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 18:30:31 UTC 2016

You're right, there is no split tapping in Android, but I'm not sure 
this is a big deal for most IOS users. I think most IOS users use touch 
typing and double tapping elsewhere. Obviously, if someone is a heavy 
split tap user then they will have trouble transitioning to Android.

Wel, TouchWiz did feel a bit like IOS 9 to me, more so than Google Now 
or Nova, but since it was just an impression, I'm not going to try to 
defend it! *Smile*

On 10/05/11 17:37, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> The line: (setq emacspeak-play-emacspeak-startup-icon t) works best at the
> top of my .emacs file so far.  Now emacspeak announces it's completely
> operational.
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Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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