Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

Jeffery Mewtamer mewtamer at
Thu Mar 16 16:35:49 UTC 2017

I haven't used Vinux or Sonar, and what I've read of Ubuntu's main
line development has turned me off to anything that uses an Ubuntu
base, but probably my biggest want on the accessibility front would be
to see the Adriane accessibility suite ported upstream from Knoppix to
vanilla Debian and then propagate through all Debian derivatives. Or
at least get the parts of Adriane that provide a talking terminal that
I find far more usable than speakup and the ability to launch
Firefox+Orca without an entire desktop environment getting in the
way(though, if I could find a text-mode browser half as usable as
Firefox is with Orca, I might could free myself from the GUI once and
for all).


Jeffery Wright
President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa.
Former Secretary, Student Government Association, College of the Albemarle.

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