copying command line from web page in to terminal

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Wed Sep 5 16:17:40 UTC 2018

Depends on the browser-settings and the terminal.  In the standard
configuration, you *should* be able to select the command in the
browser and middle-click your mouse in the terminal to paste the
command.  This uses the X "selection" buffer.

Alternatively, you can select the text in the browser and copy it
(using either Edit→Copy or control+C), but then you have to know
your terminal on how to paste from the X "clipboard" buffer (as
opposed to the aforementioned "selection" buffer).  If you have
access to menus such as in Gnome terminal, you can use Edit→Paste
which likely also has a shortcut key combination.  If not, it's a
little more challenging in a terminal like xterm, rxvt, or st/stterm
(the suckless terminal).

As a side note, I like to use a clipboard manager (I use "clipit") to
simplify this. (smile)


On September  5, 2018, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> I am on a web page.
> On it is instructions for adding vlc to my computer.
> How may I copy this set of terminal commands in to terminal?
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