Adjusting lightdm screenreader volume (How do I...)

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Thu Jul 22 19:43:43 UTC 2021

First, be sure you have a .local/share folder in lightdm's home folder

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/lightdm/.local/share

Copy your user's .local/share/orca to your lightdm home

sudo cp -R /home/<username>/.local/share/orca /var/lib/lightdm/.local/share/

and fix the ownership

sudo chown lightdm:lightdm -R /var/lib/lightdm/.local

The next time lightdm starts orca, all your regular user's settings will 
be used in lightdm. If you change your Orca preferences often, you may 
want to script this so that all you need to do once you apply your new 
preferences is to run the script. You could even use xbindkeys if you 
like, especially if you're using that already, to run the script at the 
touch of a key combination, although you will need gksudo in order to 
prompt you for the password outside of a terminal.


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