QT apps frezing in Virtualbox?

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at redhat.com
Mon Mar 29 14:59:48 UTC 2021

Quick question. I swear this got fixed, but I've been playing around 
with Solus recently since 4.2 fixed the installer (woohoo!), among 
others and I'm running into a consistent theme of Electron/QT based apps 
freezing the VM with null driver issues.

So given I'm running Virtualbox, is there anything I can do about this?

I've tried Solus Mate/Budgei, and both lock up as soon as I alt+f4 
Chromium/QT apps, as in host+r is the only way to fix it sort of lock up.
Same for a few other distros too but Solus is the one that leaps out at 
me. I thought this was fixed at least in Mate last year? It works 
flawlessly in Ubuntu Mate after all.

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