FYI - Command Line Programs for the Blind

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Thu Apr 14 00:15:45 UTC 2022

meaning that it's going to be a dual-boot system. Because of my can windows
> D11, dictating this message via email would be impossible.

I don't think you need to do all that. I believe Google Chrome still has 
Google's dictation software built in, so if you have a webmail that can 
be accessed via Chrome, you should be able to dictate your email, and it 
will likely come out a bit better than what your message did, since 
Google's speech-to-text services seem to work a good deal better than 
most anything else on the market, even things that cost a ton of money. 
Yes, you would be limited to the browser for writing email messages, and 
Google Chrome at that, but you certainly can do it without dual-booting.


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