Debian beginner questions/looking for a good rolling distro

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Wed Apr 5 13:18:56 UTC 2023

It is, or at least, you can't update any more. Which is why I'm on the 
hunt for  good distro that I can whack on my laptop. Solus was that, 
sadly no more.

So my questions are down there, and trying to find a decent rolling 
release that meets those criteria, I can't get Debian to boot up in qemu 

On 4/5/23 11:55, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> Did not know Solus is gone.
>> On Apr 5, 2023, at 04:08, Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list at> wrote:
>> So, given Solus's apparent sudden demise...which pains me since I like the distro. I'm on the hunt for a decent, rolling distro
>> I've got Debian tessting atop my list.
>> So here's my questions
>> 1. Is Debian testing as close to a rolling release as I'll get?
>> 2. How easy is it to migrate from Solus to Debian, I want to reproduce my setup and workflow on Debian, i.e. i3, text editor, same terminal, et al
>> 3. Besides Arch, is there another good distro I can use? My laptop doesn't get constant use however so I'm looking for something that is...
>> a. Stable
>> b. Can easily build orca-master and use it or has the latest Orca in its repos
>> c. Can be installed offline (because no ethernet port)
>> So any ideas on the above questions?
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