Accessible tty apps

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sat Apr 29 15:26:07 UTC 2023

On 29/4/23 09:39, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
> I found that `mc` and `vifm` were a bit noisy on the screen, while
> `nnn` was much more straight-forward.  So that's where I'd suggest
> starting.
If you like Emacs, you can use Dired mode for file manipulations.
> That said, most of the time I just use the usual command-line
> commands (ls, mv, cp, ln, rm, etc) and globs.
I do the same, as it's usually faster, especially with tab completion of 
file and directory names.
I would also support the recommendation of Mutt for e-mail.

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