Accessible tty apps

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sat Apr 29 15:52:30 UTC 2023

Howdy Pavel,

as for file manager, i developed an TUI File Manager "DragonFM" a year 
ago. i had accessibility in mind and it comes with most common shortcuts 
like ctrl + c / ctrl + v and so on (where ever it is allowed by terminal 
esape sequences). Almost anything is configurable.
Maybe you wanna give a shot. i got a lot of positive feedback.

as you hang around on arch you can just install it via AUR:

you can check out the read me on git for features.

I wanted to add an browser companion for dragonFM using an modern 
browser engine. but hardly lack time currently.

cheers chrys

Am 29.04.23 um 13:54 schrieb Linux for blind general discussion:
> Hi,
> I decided to use testing repositories in my Arch. I now have testing, 
> community testing and gnome-testing. But at this time, something is 
> broken and gdm is unable to start Gnome session. But I am calm, I have 
> completelly speaking tty, but I will need some tty applications 
> recommendation. I want to use console, until gdm will be fixed. Can 
> you recommend me some accessible:
> file explorer
> mail client working with gmail
> maybe some audio player
> Thanks,
> Pavel
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