[Bugzilla-announce-list] JIRA Status to Bugzilla Status (and other fields Mapping Discussion

David Lawrence dkl at redhat.com
Tue Aug 31 19:50:31 UTC 2010

It was brought up in the past status meeting that we need to make sure everyone is on board
with the way statuses, resolutions, and other field values will be mapped from JIRA to Bugzilla
when the first migrations start to occur.

Please look over this page and let me know if you see anything that isn't going to work:


This is the mapping page for the BRMS product that is slated to be migrated in the beginning.

Different mappings may need to be done for each product so we will create pages for those
products as we get there and we can discuss those then.


David Lawrence, RHCE  dkl at redhat.com
Red Hat, Inc.    Web: www.redhat.com
1801 Varsity Drive Raleigh, NC 27606

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