[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions cluster_adapte ...

jparsons at sourceware.org jparsons at sourceware.org
Tue Jul 25 20:01:13 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	jparsons at sourceware.org	2006-07-25 20:01:12

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: cluster_adapters.py 

Log message:
	Fixed quorum stuff in cluster info


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/07/25 00:56:56	1.13
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/07/25 20:01:12	1.14
@@ -923,7 +923,47 @@
   response = req.RESPONSE
   response.redirect(req['HTTP_REFERER'] + "&busyfirst=true")
+def processClusterProps(self, ricci_agent, request):
+  #First, retrieve cluster.conf from session
+  conf = request.SESSION.get('conf')
+  model = ModelBuilder(0, None, None, conf)
+  #Next, determine actiontype and switch on it
+  actiontype = request[ACTIONTYPE]
+  if actiontype == BASECLUSTER:
+    cp = model.getClusterPtr()
+    cfgver = cp.getConfigVersion()
+    rcfgver = request['cfgver']
+    if cfgver != rcfgver:
+      cint = int(cfgver)
+      rint = int(rcfgver)
+      if rint > cint:
+        cp.setConfigVersion(rcfgver)
+    rname = request['cluname']
+    name = model.getClusterAlias()
+    if rname != name:
+      cp.addAttribute('alias', rname)
+    response = request.RESPONSE
+    response.redirect(request['HTTP_REFERER'] + "&busyfirst=true")
+    return
+  elif actiontype == FENCEDAEMON:
+  elif actiontype == MULTICAST:
+  elif actiontype == QUORUMD:
+  else:
+    return
 def getClusterInfo(self, model, req):
   cluname = req[CLUNAME]
   baseurl = req['URL'] + "?" + PAGETYPE + "=" + CLUSTER_PROCESS + "&" + CLUNAME + "=" + cluname + "&"
@@ -973,14 +1013,38 @@
   map['quorumd_url'] = quorumd_url
   is_quorumd = model.isQuorumd()
   map['is_quorumd'] = is_quorumd
+  map['interval'] = ""
+  map['tko'] = ""
+  map['votes'] = ""
+  map['min_score'] = ""
+  map['device'] = ""
+  map['label'] = ""
   if is_quorumd:
     qdp = model.getQuorumdPtr()
     interval = qdp.getAttribute('interval')
+    if interval != None:
+      map['interval'] = interval
     tko = qdp.getAttribute('tko')
+    if tko != None:
+      map['tko'] = tko
     votes = qdp.getAttribute('votes')
+    if votes != None:
+      map['votes'] = votes
     min_score = qdp.getAttribute('min_score')
+    if min_score != None:
+      map['min_score'] = min_score
     device = qdp.getAttribute('device')
+    if device != None:
+      map['device'] = device
     label = qdp.getAttribute('label')
+    if label != None:
+      map['label'] = label
     heuristic_kids = qdp.getChildren()
     h_ctr = 0
     hlist = list()
@@ -995,15 +1059,21 @@
       hinterval = kid.getAttribute('interval')
       if hprog == None:
-      hmap['hname'] = hname
+      if hname != None:
+        hmap['hname'] = hname
+      else:
+        hmap['hname'] = ""
       hmap['hprog'] = hprog
       if hscore != None:
         hmap['hscore'] = hscore
+      else:
+        hmap['hscore'] = ""
       if hinterval != None:
         hmap['hinterval'] = hinterval
+      else:
+        hmap['hinterval'] = ""
-    if len(hlist) > 0:
-      map['hlist'] = hlist
+    map['hlist'] = hlist
   return map

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