[Cluster-devel] [PATCH] work around rgmanager-caused DLM race condition, BZ #193128, pass 2

Lon Hohberger lhh at redhat.com
Thu Jun 15 23:08:15 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-06-15 at 12:43 -0400, Lon Hohberger wrote:
> These patches allows users of magma to use NULL locks (where supported)
> and attempt to convert in a loop, rather than take/release locks in a
> tight loop as is currently done.
> -- Lon

Add checking in case the lock is not mastered locally; it seems as
though a locally mastered lock returns -1 / errno=EAGAIN, while a
remotely mastered lock will return 0 / errno=0, with lksb->sb_status set

Replaces magma-plugins-193128-1.patch

-- Lon
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