[Cluster-devel] conga conga.spec.in.in

rmccabe at sourceware.org rmccabe at sourceware.org
Wed Nov 15 18:07:19 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	rmccabe at sourceware.org	2006-11-15 18:07:18

Modified files:
	.              : conga.spec.in.in 

Log message:
	changelog tweaks


--- conga/conga.spec.in.in	2006/11/15 17:46:41	1.50
+++ conga/conga.spec.in.in	2006/11/15 18:07:18	1.51
@@ -299,19 +299,16 @@
 - Fixed bz212021 (various luci buttons do nothing)
 - Fixed bz212006 (create cluster does not show status as cluster is being created)
 - Fixed bz212584 (luci does not retrieve failed ricci queue elements)
-- Fixed bz212613 (luci - if node is already authenticated, user-supplied node password is ignored)
 - Improved bz213306 (ricci - log probing can take minutes to complete)
 - Fixed starting/stopping services
 - Fixed deleting cluster
 - Fixed deleting node
 - Fixed redirection for all async->busy wait calls
-- Fixed advanced cluster properties
 - Storage module: properly probe cluster quorum if LVM locking 
   is marked as clustered
 - #Resolves: bz215039, bz215034, bz214790, bz213690, bz213266
 - #Resolves: bz213083, bz212601, bz212021, bz212006, bz212584
-- #Resolves: bz212613
 - #Related: bz213306

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