[Cluster-devel] conga/luci site/luci/Extensions/StorageReport. ...

kupcevic at sourceware.org kupcevic at sourceware.org
Mon Oct 9 19:11:59 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	kupcevic at sourceware.org	2006-10-09 19:11:59

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: StorageReport.py 
	luci/storage   : form-macros 

Log message:
	luci storage: hide submit/reset buttons if nothing to modify


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/StorageReport.py	2006/10/09 17:03:17	1.12
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/StorageReport.py	2006/10/09 19:11:59	1.13
@@ -481,6 +481,8 @@
     if type == MAPPER_VG_TYPE:
+    mapper_ret['need_apply_button'] = mutable_props(mapper_ret['props'])
     return mapper_ret
@@ -643,6 +645,8 @@
     mapper_ret['actions'] = []
+    mapper_ret['need_apply_button'] = True
     return mapper_ret
@@ -1523,6 +1527,16 @@
     data['actions'] = actions
+    need_apply_butt = mutable_props(data['props'])
+    if need_apply_butt == False:
+        if len(data['contents']) > 1:
+            need_apply_butt = True
+        elif len(data['contents']) == 1:
+            need_apply_butt = mutable_props(data['contents'][0]['props'])
+        else:
+            need_apply_butt = False
+    data['need_apply_button'] = need_apply_butt
     return data
@@ -1621,6 +1635,14 @@
+def mutable_props(props):
+    for name in props:
+        type = props[name]['type']
+        if type == 'int' or type == 'text' or type == 'select':
+            return True
+    return False
 def get_content_data_internal(session, bd_xml):
     c_xml = None
--- conga/luci/storage/form-macros	2006/10/09 17:03:17	1.10
+++ conga/luci/storage/form-macros	2006/10/09 19:11:59	1.11
@@ -1580,27 +1580,34 @@
         <td align="right"
             tal:define="validate_url  context/validate_html/absolute_url">
-         <input tal:attributes="type    string:button; 
-                                name    string:action_type; 
-                                value   string:Reset; 
-                                onclick python:'return reset_bd_form(this.form, \'' + select_content_id + '\', \'' + content_span_id + '\')'"
-                class="form_button"/>
-         <input tal:condition="bd_data/new" 
-                tal:define="prompt_msg  python:'Do you really want to create ' + bd_data['pretty_type'] + '?'" 
-                tal:attributes="id      apply_button_id;
-                                type    string:button; 
-                                name    string:action_type; 
-                                value   string:Create; 
-                                onclick python:'return validate_and_submit_form(\'' + validate_url + '\', \'' + bd_form_id + '\', \'' + apply_button_id + '\', \'' + prompt_msg + '\')'"
-                class="form_button"/>
-         <input tal:condition="not: bd_data/new" 
-                tal:define="prompt_msg  python:'Do you really want to apply changes to ' + bd_data['pretty_type'] + ' \\\'' + bd_data['pretty_name'] + '\\\'?'" 
-                tal:attributes="id      apply_button_id; 
-                                type    string:button; 
-                                name    string:action_type; 
-                                value   string:Apply; 
-                                onclick python:'return validate_and_submit_form(\'' + validate_url + '\', \'' + bd_form_id + '\', \'' + apply_button_id + '\', \'' + prompt_msg + '\')'"
-                class="form_button"/>
+         <span tal:omit-tag=""
+               tal:condition="not: bd_data/need_apply_button">
+         </span>
+         <span tal:omit-tag="" 
+               tal:condition="bd_data/need_apply_button">
+          <input tal:attributes="type    string:button; 
+                                 name    string:action_type; 
+                                 value   string:Reset; 
+                                 onclick python:'return reset_bd_form(this.form, \'' + select_content_id + '\', \'' + content_span_id + '\')'"
+                 class="form_button"/>
+          <input tal:condition="bd_data/new" 
+                 tal:define="prompt_msg  python:'Do you really want to create ' + bd_data['pretty_type'] + '?'" 
+                 tal:attributes="id      apply_button_id;
+                                 type    string:button; 
+                                 name    string:action_type; 
+                                 value   string:Create; 
+                                 onclick python:'return validate_and_submit_form(\'' + validate_url + '\', \'' + bd_form_id + '\', \'' + apply_button_id + '\', \'' + prompt_msg + '\')'"
+                 class="form_button"/>
+          <input tal:condition="not: bd_data/new" 
+                 tal:define="prompt_msg  python:'Do you really want to apply changes to ' + bd_data['pretty_type'] + ' \\\'' + bd_data['pretty_name'] + '\\\'?'" 
+                 tal:attributes="id      apply_button_id; 
+                                 type    string:button; 
+                                 name    string:action_type; 
+                                 value   string:Apply; 
+                                 onclick python:'return validate_and_submit_form(\'' + validate_url + '\', \'' + bd_form_id + '\', \'' + apply_button_id + '\', \'' + prompt_msg + '\')'"
+                 class="form_button"/>
+         </span>
@@ -1712,19 +1719,26 @@
          <td align="right">
-          <input type="button"
-                 name="action_type"
-                 value="Reset"
-                 onclick="return reset_form(this.form)"
-                 class="form_button"/>
-          <input tal:define="prompt_msg    python:'Do you really want to apply changes to ' + mapper['pretty_type'] + ' \\\'' + mapper['pretty_name'] + '\\\'?';
-                             validate_url  context/validate_html/absolute_url" 
-                 tal:attributes="id      apply_button_id; 
-                                 type    string:button; 
-                                 name    string:action_type; 
-                                 value   string:Apply; 
-                                 onclick python:'return validate_and_submit_form(\'' + validate_url + '\', \'' + mapper_form_id + '\', \'' + apply_button_id + '\', \'' + prompt_msg + '\')'"
-                 class="form_button"/>
+          <span tal:omit-tag=""
+                tal:condition="not: mapper/need_apply_button">
+          </span>
+          <span tal:omit-tag=""
+                tal:condition="mapper/need_apply_button">
+           <input type="button"
+                  name="action_type"
+                  value="Reset"
+                  onclick="return reset_form(this.form)"
+                  class="form_button"/>
+           <input tal:define="prompt_msg    python:'Do you really want to apply changes to ' + mapper['pretty_type'] + ' \\\'' + mapper['pretty_name'] + '\\\'?';
+                              validate_url  context/validate_html/absolute_url" 
+                  tal:attributes="id      apply_button_id; 
+                                  type    string:button; 
+                                  name    string:action_type; 
+                                  value   string:Apply; 
+                                  onclick python:'return validate_and_submit_form(\'' + validate_url + '\', \'' + mapper_form_id + '\', \'' + apply_button_id + '\', \'' + prompt_msg + '\')'"
+                  class="form_button"/>
+          </span>

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