[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/docs user_manual.html clus4.png clu ...

jparsons at sourceware.org jparsons at sourceware.org
Mon Oct 9 20:22:27 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	jparsons at sourceware.org	2006-10-09 20:22:26

Modified files:
	luci/docs      : user_manual.html 
Added files:
	luci/docs      : clus4.png clus5.png 

Log message:
	a coupla new images and a bit more text


/cvs/cluster/conga/luci/docs/clus4.png,v  -->  standard output
revision 1.1
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co: output error: Broken pipe
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/cvs/cluster/conga/luci/docs/clus5.png,v  -->  standard output
revision 1.1
Binary files /cvs/cluster/conga/luci/docs/clus5.png and - differ
co: output error: Broken pipe
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--- conga/luci/docs/user_manual.html	2006/10/09 05:47:02	1.5
+++ conga/luci/docs/user_manual.html	2006/10/09 20:22:26	1.6
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
   Here is a screenshot of the luci login page.<br/>
   <img src="./ss_login1.png"/>
+  <br/>
+  <b>Figure #1: Login Page</b>
+  <p/>
   Enter admin as the user name, and then enter the admin password that has been set up in the appropriate field, then click 'log in'.
     <h4>UI Organization</h4>
@@ -36,6 +39,9 @@
   <h2>Homebase Tab</h2>
   The following figure shows the entry look of the Homebase tab.<br/>
   <img src="./ss_homebase1.png"/>
+  <br/>
+  <b>Figure #2: Homebase Tab</b>
+  <p/>
   With no systems registered with a luci server, the homebase page provides 3 initial utilities to the admin:
   <ul><li>Add a System</li>
@@ -53,9 +59,14 @@
   <h4>Add a System:</h4> Adding a single system to luci in this first release makes the system available for remote storage administration. In addition to storage administration, conga also provides remote package retrieval and installation, chkconfig functionality, full remote cluster administration, and module support to filter and retrieve log entries. The storage and cluster UIs use some of this broad functionality, but at this time UI has not been built for all that conga will do remotely. <p/>
   To add a system, click on the 'Add a System' link in the left hand nav table. This will load the following page:
-  <img src="./ss_homebase2.png"/>
+  <img src="./ss_homebase2.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #3: Add a System</b>
+  <p/>
+  <p/>
   The fully qualified domain name  OR IP Address of the system is entered in the System Hostname field. The root passsword for the system is entered in the adjacent field. As a convenience for adding multiple systems at once, and 'Add Another Entry' button is provided. Whhen this button is clicked and at least one additional entry row has been provided, a checkbox is also made available that can be selected if all systems specified for addition to the luci server share the same password.
-  <img src="./ss_homebase3.png"/>
+  <img src="./ss_homebase3.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #4: Multiple System Entries</b>
+  <p/>
   If the System Hostname is left blank for any row, it is disregarded when the list of systems is submitted for addition. If systems in the list of rows do NOT share the same password (and the checkbox is, of course, left unchecked) and one ior more passwords are incorrect, an error message is generated for each system that has an incorrect password. Those systems listed with correct passwords are added to the luci server. Inn addition to incorrect password problems, an error message is also displayed if luci is unable to connect to the ricci agent on a system. Finally, is a system is entered on the form for addition and it is ALREADY being managed by the luci server, it is not added again - but the admin is informed via error message.<p/>
   <h4>Add an Existing Cluster:</h4> This page looks much like the Add a System page, only one system may be listed. Any node in the cluster may bbe used for this entry.  Luci will contact tthe specified system and attempt to authenticate with the password provided. If successful, the complete list of cluster nodes will be returned, and a table will be populated with the node names and an adjacent field for a password for each node. The initial node that was entered appears in tthe list with its password field marked as 'authennticated'. There is a convenience checkbox if all nodes share the same password. NOTE: At this point, no cluster nodes have been added to luci - not even the initial node used to retrieve the cluster node list that successfully autthenticated. The cluster and subsequent nodes are only added after the entire list has been submitted with tthe submit button, and all nodes authenticate.  <p/>
@@ -63,13 +74,17 @@
   <p/>When a cluster is added to a luci server, all nodes are also added as general systems so that storage may be managed on them. If this is not desired, the individual systems may be removed fromm luci, while remote cluster management capability is maintained.<p/>
   Note: If an admin desires to create a new cluster, this capability is available on the Cluster tab. This task link is only for adding and managing clusters that already exist.<p/>
   <h4>Add a User: </h4>Here the admin may add additional user accounts. The user name is entered along with an initial password.
-  <img src="./ss_homebase4.png"/>
+  <img src="./ss_homebase4.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #5: Add a User</b>
+  <p/>
   As stated above, after systems have been added to a luci server, an additional Manage Systems link appears in the navigation table. The Manage Systems page provides a way to delete systems if desired.
   When an admin adds a new user to a luci server, two additional links appear in the Navigation Table: A Delete User link, and a User Permissions link. The Delete User link is self explanatory, and this page lists all users other than the admin, in a dropdown menu. Selecting a user name and then clicking the 'Delete This User' button removes that user account from the luci server.<br/>
   The User Permissions page is where an admin grants privileges to user accounts. A dropdown menu lists all current users, followed by a list of all systems registered with the luci server. By selecting a user from the dropdown, the context is set for the page, and then those systems that the admin wishes to allow the user to administer are checked. Finally, the 'Update Permissions' button is clicked to persist the privileges. By default, when a new user is created, they have no privileges on any system.
-  <img src="./ss_homebase5.png"/>
+  <img src="./ss_homebase5.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #6: User Permissions Page</b>
+  <p/>
   <h2>Cluster Tab</h2>
@@ -85,7 +100,10 @@
   The cluster list page offers some additional summary information about each cluster. Whether not the cluster is quorate is specified, as is total cluster votes. A dropdown menu allows a cluster to be started, stopped, or restarted. Finally, services for the cluster are listed as links, annd again, their health is identified by their font color.
   On the left hand side of every cluster tab page is a navigation table with three links: Cluster List, Create, and Configure. The default page is the Cluster List page. The Create page is for creating a new cluster. Selecting the Configure link displays a short list of clusters in tthe navigation table. Choosing a cluster name takes the user to the properties page for that cluster (the cluster name link on the Cluster List page performs the same action).
-  <img src="./clus1.png"/>
+  <img src="./clus1.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #7: Cluster List Page</b>
+  <p/>
+  <p/>
 After a cluster has been selected via the main cluster tab nav table or by clicking the link tthat is the name of a cluster on the cluster list page, the Cluster tab has a context associated with it, and another navigation table with the name of the selected cluster in the top title spot, is displayed beneath the main navigation table, which offers links to the 5 configuration categories for clusters. 
  NOTE: Until a specific cluster is selected, the cluster pages have no specific cluster context associated with them. Once a cluster has been selected, however, the links and options available on the lower cluster navigation table pertains to the selected cluster. As the upper cluster navigation table is always availabble, the cluster context can be changed at any time by selecting a different cluster from the list available under the cluster configure options in the main navigation table, or by returning to the top level Cluster List page and selecting a the link that is the name of the desired cluster (The cluster list page can be easily returned to in one of three ways: by clicking on the Cluster tab, selecting the 'Cluster List' link in the main navigation table, or selecting the 'Configure' link from the main navigation table).
 The configuration categories available in the lower cluster-specific navigation table are as follows:
@@ -100,15 +118,62 @@
 <li>A sub-menu is offered for each configuration category. Options in this submenu are:<ul><li>Create or Add</li><li>Configure; which also displays a list of the individual configuration elements which are direct links to the detailed configuration page</li></ul>
 In summary, after a cluster has been selected, the general cluster properties page is displayed, and a new nav table is rendered with links for each of the five cluster confiuration categories. Selecting a category link displays list of those elements with a high level diagnostic view and links to more detailed aspects of the elements, a link to create a new element, and a sub-menu list of direct links to the detailed configuration properties page for each element currently configured.
   This 'drill-down' pattern, wherein a top level list of elements is displayed with links to properties pages for each element, paired with a way to create a new element, is repeated throughout the luci Cluster UI.
-  <img src="./clus2.png"/>
-  <b>Figure   Cluster Properties Page - Note name of cluster at the top of the page, and in the Title section of the lower navigation table</b>
+  <img src="./clus2.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #8:  Cluster Properties Page - Note name of cluster at the top of the page, and in the Title section of the lower navigation table</b>
   Selecting 'Nodes' from the lower Navigation Table displays a list of nodes in the current cluster, along with some helpful links to services running on that node, fencing for the node, and even a link that displays recent log activity for the node in a new browser window. A dropdown menu allows administrators of the cluster a way to have the node join or leave the cluster. The node can also be fenced, rebooted, or deleted through the options in the dropdown menu.
   <img src="./clus3.png"/>
-  <b>Figure   Node List Page</b>
+  <b>Figure #9:  Node List Page</b><br/>
+  <p/> 
+  <p/> 
+The name of the node is a link to the detailed configuration page for that node, and the color of the font (green or red) reflects a course status check on the health of the node.
+When the Nodes link is chosen in the lower navigation table, the 'Add a Node' and Configure options become visible. The Configure option link has a list of the nodes beneath it, and selecting one of these links is a direct path to the detailed properties page for the node, in the same way that the node name link is on the node list page.
+<h4>Add a Node</h4>
+Below is a screenshot of the Add a Node page:
+  <img src="./clus5.png"/><br/>
+  <b>Figure #10:  Add a Node Page</b>
+  <p/> 
+  The Add a Node page is similar in look and functionality to the Add a System page available in the Homebase tab. The system hostname of IP Address is entered in the appropriate field along with the password for the system. Multiple nodes may be added at once. When the submit button is clicked, the following takes place:
+ <li>Contact is made with each future nodes ricci agent. Is this contact fails on any listed hostname, the operation is suspended and the user is offered the chance to re-enter the password.</li>
+<li>After authentication is made on all listed nodes, the proper cluster suite RPMs for that nodes architecture are pulled down and installed.</li>
+<li>After installation, an initial cluster.conf file is propagated to each node.</li>
+<li>Finally, each future node is rebooted. When the node comes back up, it should join the cluster without error.</li>
+Note: Until the node to be added has completed he installation and cluster join operation, any attempts to navigate to the configuration page for that node will result in a 'busy signal' graphic that informs the user of what modification is occurring and to try back later when the operation is complete.
+<h4>Node Configuration Page</h4>
+Selecting the name link in the node list page, or selecting a nodename in the list below the node Configure link in the lower navigation table takes the user directly to the Node Configuration page. Here is an image of a typical node configuration page:
+  <img src="./clus4.png"/>
+  <b>Figure #11:  Node Configuration Page</b><br/>
+  <p/> 
+  <p/> 
+This page is divided into 5 sections.
+  <li>General Node Tasks - The first section on the node configuration page shows general node health and offers a link to view recent log activity on the node in a pop-up browser window, and also ofers a dropdown menu of some common tasks to perform on a node. These tasks are:
+  <ul>
+    <li>Have node join/leave cluster - depending on he node status, one of these options is offered.</li>
+    <li>Fence Node - The node is fenced by the configured means.</li>
+    <li>Reboot Node</li>
+    <li>Delete Node - when a node is deleted, it is made to leave the cluster, all cluster services are stopped on the node, its cluster.conf file is deleted, and a new cluster.conf file is propagated to the remaining nodes in the cluster with the deleted node removed from the configration. Note, please, that deleting a node does not remove the installed cluster packages from the node.</li>
+  </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>The next section of the node configuration page is a table showing the status of cluster daemons. In the screenshot above, 4 cluster daemons are listed. This is for a RHEL4 cluster. In the RHEL 5 cluster suite, only two daemons are listed.
+ <p/>
+ Each daemon can be separately started or stopped, and its chkconfig status amended to allow the daemon to be enabled at system startup or not.</li>
+  <li>All services running on the node are listed along with their status in the 'Services on this Node' section. Links are offered to each services configuration page.</li>
+  <li>The next section of the node configuration page is a display of Failover Domain Membership. Links are offered to the configuration page for each failover domain that the node has membership in.</li>
+  <li>Finally, the node configuration pages' final section is for fence configuration. Two levels of fencing may be configured: A Main fencing method, and a Backup method. The cluster suite attempts to fence the node, if necessary, with the main fencing method first. If this fails, the backup method is employed.
+  <p/>
+  Each of the two fence levels or methods may employ multiple fence types within them; for example, when power switch fencing is used to fence a node with dual redundant power supplies.</li>
+  </ul>
+  <p/>
+  <p/>
   <h2>Storage Tab</h2>
 This tab allows the user to monitor and configure storage on remote systems. Means for configuring disk partitions, logical volumes (clustered as well as single system use), and file system parameters and mount points. The storage tab is useful for setting up shared storage for clusters and offers GFS and GFS2 (depending on OS version) as a file system option. <p/>
 When a user selects the storage tab, the main storage page shows a list of systems available to the logged in user in a navigation table to the left. A small form allows the user to choose a storage unit size that the user wold generall prefer to work in. This choice is persisted for the user and can be changed at any time by returning to this page. In addition, the unit type can be changed on specific configuration forms throughout the storage UI - this general choice allows an admin to avoid difficult decimal representations of storage size if they know that most of their storage is measured, for example, in gigabytes, or terabytes, or what have you. <p/>

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