[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions cluster_adapte ...

jparsons at sourceware.org jparsons at sourceware.org
Wed Oct 11 16:25:00 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	jparsons at sourceware.org	2006-10-11 16:24:59

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: cluster_adapters.py 

Log message:
	fixes for cluster and node creation busywait page


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/10/11 16:18:58	1.89
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/10/11 16:24:59	1.90
@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@
         level = levels[i]
         #No more levels...
-        return map
+        continue
       kids = level.getChildren()
       if len(kids) == 0:
@@ -2189,6 +2189,9 @@
 def isClusterBusy(self, req):
   items = None
   map = {}
+  isBusy = False
+  nodereports = list()
+  map['nodereports'] = nodereports
   cluname = req['clustername']
   path = CLUSTER_FOLDER_PATH + cluname
   clusterfolder = self.restrictedTraverse(path)
@@ -2200,32 +2203,97 @@
   ##normal page
   ##2) The batch task is NOT done, so meta refresh in 5 secs and try again
   ##3) The ricci agent has no recollection of the task, so handle like 1 above
+  ###
+  ##Here is what we have to do:
+  ##the map should have two lists:
+  ##One list of non-cluster create tasks
+  ##and one of cluster create task structs
+  ##For each item in items, check if this is a cluster create tasktype
+  ##If so, call RC, and then call stan's batch report method
+  ##check for error...if error, report and then remove flag.
+  ##if no error, check if complete. If not complete, report status
+  ##If complete, report status and remove flag.
   for item in items:
-    #Check here for more than 1 entry (an error)
-    ricci = item[0].split("____") #This removes the 'flag' suffix
-    rb = ricci_bridge(ricci[0])
-    finished = rb.checkBatch(item[1].getProperty(BATCH_ID))
-    if finished == True:
-      clusterfolder.manage_delObjects(item[0])
-      map['refreshurl'] = '5; url=\".\"'
-      map['desc'] = item[1].getProperty(FLAG_DESC)
-      return map
+    tasktype = item[1].getProperty(TASKTYPE)
+    if tasktype == CLUSTER_ADD or tasktype == NODE_ADD:
+      node_report = {}
+      node_report['isnodecreation'] = True
+      node_report['iserror'] = False  #Default value
+      node_report['desc'] = item[1].getProperty(FLAG_DESC) 
+      ricci = item[0].split("____") #This removes the 'flag' suffix
+      rc = RicciCommunicator(ricci[0])
+      batch_xml = rc.batch_report(item[1].getProperty(BATCH_ID))
+      (creation_status, total) = rc.batch_status(batch_xml)
+      if creation_status < 0:  #an error was encountered
+        if creation_status == -(INSTALL_TASK):
+          node_report['iserror'] = True
+          (err_code, err_msg) = extract_module_status(batch_xml, INSTALL_TASK)
+          node_report['errormessage'] = CLUNODE_CREATE_ERRORS[INSTALL_TASK] + err_msg
+        elif creation_status == -(REBOOT_TASK):
+          node_report['iserror'] = True
+          (err_code, err_msg) = extract_module_status(batch_xml, REBOOT_TASK)
+          node_report['errormessage'] = CLUNODE_CREATE_ERRORS[REBOOT_TASK] + err_msg
+        elif creation_status == -(SEND_CONF):
+          node_report['iserror'] = True
+          (err_code, err_msg) = extract_module_status(batch_xml, SEND_CONF)
+          node_report['errormessage'] = CLUNODE_CREATE_ERRORS[SEND_CONF] + err_msg
+        elif creation_status == -(START_NODE):
+          node_report['iserror'] = True
+          (err_code, err_msg) = extract_module_status(batch_xml, START_NODE)
+          node_report['errormessage'] = CLUNODE_CREATE_ERRORS[START_NODE]
+        else:
+          node_report['iserror'] = True
+          node_report['errormessage'] = CLUNODE_CREATE_ERRORS[0]
+        clusterfolder.manage_delObjects(item[0])
+        nodereports.append(node_report)
+        continue
+      else:  #either batch completed successfully, or still running
+        if creation_status == total:  #finished...
+          node_report['statusmessage'] = "Node created successfully"
+          node_report['statusindex'] = creation_status
+          nodereports.append(node_report)
+          clusterfolder.manage_delObjects(item[0])
+          continue
+        else:
+          map['busy'] = "true"
+          isBusy = True
+          node_report['statusmessage'] = "Node still being created"
+          node_report['statusindex'] = creation_status
+          nodereports.append(node_report)
+          clusterfolder.manage_delObjects(item[0])
+          continue
-      map['busy'] = "true"
-      part1 = req['ACTUAL_URL']
-      part2 = req['QUERY_STRING']
-      dex = part2.find("&busyfirst")
-      if dex != (-1):
-        tmpstr = part2[:dex] #This strips off busyfirst var
-        part2 = tmpstr
-        ###FIXME - The above assumes that the 'busyfirst' query var is at the
-        ###end of the URL...
-      wholeurl = part1 + "?" + part2
-      #map['url'] = "5, url=" + req['ACTUAL_URL'] + "?" + req['QUERY_STRING']
-      map['refreshurl'] = "5; url=" + wholeurl
-      map['desc'] = item[1].getProperty(FLAG_DESC)
-      req['specialpagetype'] = "1"
-      return map
+      node_report = {}
+      node_report['isnodecreation'] = False
+      ricci = item[0].split("____") #This removes the 'flag' suffix
+      rb = ricci_bridge(ricci[0])
+      finished = rb.checkBatch(item[1].getProperty(BATCH_ID))
+      if finished == True:
+        node_report['desc'] = item[1].getProperty(FLAG_DESC)
+        nodereports.append(node_report)
+        clusterfolder.manage_delObjects(item[0])
+      else:
+        node_report = {}
+        map['busy'] = "true"
+        isBusy = True
+        node_report['desc'] = item[1].getProperty(FLAG_DESC)
+        nodereports.append(node_report)
+  if isBusy:
+    part1 = req['ACTUAL_URL']
+    part2 = req['QUERY_STRING']
+    dex = part2.find("&busyfirst")
+    if dex != (-1):
+      tmpstr = part2[:dex] #This strips off busyfirst var
+      part2 = tmpstr
+      ###FIXME - The above assumes that the 'busyfirst' query var is at the
+      ###end of the URL...
+    wholeurl = part1 + "?" + part2
+    #map['url'] = "5, url=" + req['ACTUAL_URL'] + "?" + req['QUERY_STRING']
+    map['refreshurl'] = "5; url=" + wholeurl
+    req['specialpagetype'] = "1"
+  else:
+    map['refreshurl'] = '5; url=\".\"'
   return map
 def getClusterOS(self, ragent, request):

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