[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/cluster form-macros

jparsons at sourceware.org jparsons at sourceware.org
Wed Oct 11 16:25:29 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	jparsons at sourceware.org	2006-10-11 16:25:28

Modified files:
	luci/cluster   : form-macros 

Log message:
	fixes for cluster and node creation busywait page


--- conga/luci/cluster/form-macros	2006/10/09 17:12:28	1.79
+++ conga/luci/cluster/form-macros	2006/10/11 16:25:28	1.80
@@ -18,9 +18,39 @@
 			<img src="100wait.gif"/>
-		<tr><td>
-			<h2><span tal:content="isBusy/desc" /></h2>
-		</td></tr>
+    <span tal:define="global nodereports isBusy/nodereports"/>
+    <span tal:repeat="nodereport nodereports">
+		 <tr><td>
+      <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['isnodecreation'] == False">
+			  <h2><span tal:content="nodereport/desc" /></h2>
+      </span>
+      <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['isnodecreation'] == True">
+       <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['iserror'] == True">
+			  <h2><span tal:content="nodereport/desc" /></h2>
+         <font color="red"><span tal:content="nodereport/errormessage"/></font>
+       </span>
+       <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['iserror'] == False">
+			  <h2><span tal:content="nodereport/desc" /></h2>
+         <i><span tal:content="nodereport/statusmessage"/></i><br/>
+          <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['statusindex'] == 0">
+           <img src="notstarted.png"/>
+          </span>
+          <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['statusindex'] == 1">
+           <img src="installed.png"/>
+          </span>
+          <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['statusindex'] == 2">
+           <img src="rebooted.png"/>
+          </span>
+          <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['statusindex'] == 3">
+           <img src="configured.png"/>
+          </span>
+          <span tal:condition="python: nodereport['statusindex'] == 4">
+           <img src="joined.png"/>
+          </span>
+       </span>
+      </span>
+		 </td></tr>
+    </span>

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