[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions cluster_adapte ...

jparsons at sourceware.org jparsons at sourceware.org
Thu Oct 12 15:45:49 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	jparsons at sourceware.org	2006-10-12 15:45:49

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: cluster_adapters.py 

Log message:
	Fixed create progress hashmap


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/10/12 00:04:45	1.99
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/10/12 15:45:49	1.100
@@ -2254,9 +2254,18 @@
           laststatus = item[1].getProperty(LAST_STATUS)
           if laststatus == INSTALL_TASK: #This means maybe node is rebooting
             nodereport['statusindex'] = INSTALL_TASK
-            nodereport['statusmessage'] = POSSIBLE_REBOOT_MESSAGE
-            nodereports.append(node_report)
-            continue
+            nodereport['statusmessage'] = RICCI_CONNECT_FAILURE_MSG + POSSIBLE_REBOOT_MESSAGE
+          elif laststatus == 0:
+            nodereport['statusindex'] = 0
+            nodereport['statusmessage'] = RICCI_CONNECT_FAILURE_MSG + PRE_INSTALL
+          elif laststatus == REBOOT_TASK
+            nodereport['statusindex'] = REBOOT_TASK
+            nodereport['statusmessage'] = RICCI_CONNECT_FAILURE_MSG + PRE_CFG
+          elif laststatus == SEND_CONF
+            nodereport['statusindex'] = SEND_CONF
+            nodereport['statusmessage'] = RICCI_CONNECT_FAILURE_MSG + PRE_JOIN
+          nodereports.append(node_report)
+          continue
         elif creation_status == -(INSTALL_TASK):
           node_report['iserror'] = True
           (err_code, err_msg) = extract_module_status(batch_xml, INSTALL_TASK)
--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/conga_constants.py	2006/10/11 20:58:13	1.13
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/conga_constants.py	2006/10/12 15:45:49	1.14
@@ -78,7 +78,15 @@
+RICCI_CONNECT_FAILURE_MSG="A problem was encountered connecting with this node.  "
 #cluster/node create error messages
 CLUNODE_CREATE_ERRORS = ["An unknown error occurred when creating this node: ", "A problem occurred when installing packages: ","A problem occurred when rebooting this node: ", "A problem occurred when propagating the configuration to this node: ", "A problem occurred when starting this node: "]
+#cluster/node create error status messages
+PRE_INSTALL="The install state is not yet complete"
+PRE_REBOOT="Installation complete, but reboot not yet complete"
+PRE_CFG="Reboot stage successful, but configuration for the cluster is not yet distributed"
+PRE_JOIN="Packages are installed and configuration has been distributed, but the node has not yet joined the cluster."
 POSSIBLE_REBOOT_MESSAGE="This node is not currently responding and is probably<br/>rebooting as planned. This state should persist for 5 minutes or so..."

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