[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions cluster_adapte ...

rmccabe at sourceware.org rmccabe at sourceware.org
Fri Oct 13 22:56:29 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	rmccabe at sourceware.org	2006-10-13 22:56:28

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: cluster_adapters.py 

Log message:
	detect changes in cluster membership and deal with them accordingly, part 1


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/10/13 21:25:14	1.109
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/10/13 22:56:28	1.110
@@ -2926,12 +2926,9 @@
 def resolveClusterChanges(self, clusterName, modelb):
-		mb_nodes = dict.fromkeys(modelb.getNodes())
+		mb_nodes = modelb.getNodes()
 		if not mb_nodes or not len(mb_nodes):
-		mb_map = {}
-		for i in iter(mb_nodes):
-			mb_map[i] = i
 		return 'Unable to find cluster nodes for ' + clusterName
@@ -2943,16 +2940,48 @@
 		return 'Unable to find an entry for ' + clusterName + ' in the Luci database.'
-		db_nodes = cluster_node.objectItems('Folder')
+		db_nodes = map(lambda x: x[0], cluster_node.objectItems('Folder'))
 		if not db_nodes or not len(db_nodes):
-		db_map = {}
-		for i in iter(db_nodes):
-			db_map[i[0]] = i[0]
 		# Should we just create them all? Can this even happen?
 		return 'Unable to find database entries for any nodes in ' + clusterName
+	same_host = lambda x, y: x == y or x[:len(y) + 1] == y + '.' or y[:len(x) + 1] == x + '.'
+	# this is a really great algorithm.
+	missing_list = list()
+	new_list = list()
+	for i in mb_nodes:
+		for j in db_nodes:
+			f = 0
+			if same_host(i, j):
+				f = 1
+				break
+		if not f:
+			new_list.append(i)
+	for i in db_nodes:
+		for j in mb_nodes:
+			f = 0
+			if same_host(i, j):
+				f = 1
+				break
+		if not f:
+			missing_list.append(i)
+	messages = list()
+	for i in missing_list:
+		cluster_node.delObjects([i])
+		messages.append('Node \"' + i + '\" is no longer in a member of cluster \"' + clusterName + '.\". It has been deleted from the management interface for this cluster.')
+	for i in new_list:
+		cluster_node.manage_addFolder(i, '__luci__:csystem:' + clusterName)
+		cluster_node.manage_addProperty('exceptions', 'auth', 'string')
+		messages.append('A new node, \"' + i + ',\" is now a member of cluster \"' + clusterName + '.\". It has added to the management interface for this cluster, but you must authenticate to it in order for it to be fully functional.')
+	return messages
 def addResource(self, request, ragent):
 	if not request.form:
 		return (False, {'errors': ['No form was submitted.']})

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