[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions cluster_adapte ...

rmccabe at sourceware.org rmccabe at sourceware.org
Mon Sep 25 22:59:16 UTC 2006

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	rmccabe at sourceware.org	2006-09-25 22:59:15

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: cluster_adapters.py 
	                           homebase_adapters.py ricci_bridge.py 

Log message:
	add node stuff


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/09/25 21:00:14	1.69
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2006/09/25 22:59:15	1.70
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #then only display chooser if the current user has 
 #permissions on at least one. If the user is admin, show ALL clusters
-from homebase_adapters import nodeAuth, nodeUnauth, manageCluster
+from homebase_adapters import nodeAuth, nodeUnauth, manageCluster, createClusterSystems
 CLUSTER_FOLDER_PATH = '/luci/systems/cluster/'
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
 			cluster_properties['isComplete'] = False
 			return (False, {'errors': errors, 'requestResults':cluster_properties })
 		batch_id_map = {}
 		for i in nodeList:
@@ -189,7 +190,8 @@
 def validateAddClusterNode(self, request):
 	errors = list()
-	messages = list()
+	messages = list() 
+	requestResults = {}
 	 	sessionData = request.SESSION.get('checkRet')
@@ -199,7 +201,7 @@
 	if 'clusterName' in request.form:
 		clusterName = request.form['clusterName']
-		return (False, {'errors': [ 'Cluster name is missing'] })
+		return (False, {'errors': [ 'Cluster name is missing'], 'requestResults': requestResults })
 		numStorage = int(request.form['numStorage'])
@@ -207,7 +209,7 @@
 		errors.append('You must specify at least one node to add to the cluster')
-		return (False, {'errors': [ errors ] })
+		return (False, {'errors': [ errors ], 'requestResults': requestResults })
 	ret = validateClusterNodes(request, sessionData, clusterName, numStorage)
@@ -225,18 +227,43 @@
 	i = 0
 	while i < len(nodeList):
+		clunode = nodeList[i]
-			x = 0 # ricci call succeeds
-			messages.append('Cluster join initiated for host \"' + i['ricci_host'] + '\"')
+			batchNode = addClusterNodeBatch(clusterName, True, False, False)
+			if not batchNode:
+				raise
 			del nodeList[i]
-			i['errors'] = True
-			errors.append('Unable to initiate node creation for host \"' + i['ricci_host'] + '\"')
-			cluster_properties['isComplete'] = 0
+			clunode['errors'] = True
+			nodeUnauth(nodeList)
+			cluster_properties['isComplete'] = False
+			errors.append('Unable to initiate node creation for host \"' + clunode['ricci_host'] + '\"')
 	if not cluster_properties['isComplete']:
 		return (False, {'errors': errors, 'requestResults': cluster_properties})
+	error = createClusterSystems(self, clusterName, nodeList)
+	if error:
+		nodeUnauth(nodeList)
+		cluster_properties['isComplete'] = False
+		errors.append(error)
+		return (False, {'errors': errors, 'requestResults': cluster_properties})
+	batch_id_map = {}
+	for i in nodeList:
+		clunode = nodeList[i]
+		try:
+			rc = RicciCommunicator(clunode['ricci_host'])
+			resultNode = rc.process_batch(batchNode, async=True)
+			batch_id_map[clunode['ricci_host']] = resultNode.getAttribute('batch_id')
+			messages.append('Cluster join initiated for host \"' + clunode['ricci_host'] + '\"')
+		except:
+			nodeUnauth(nodeList)
+			cluster_properties['isComplete'] = False
+			errors.append('An error occurred while attempting to add cluster node \"' + clunode['ricci_host'] + '\"')
+			return (False, {'errors': errors, 'requestResults': cluster_properties})
+	buildClusterCreateFlags(self, batch_id_map, clusterName)
 	return (True, {'errors': errors, 'messages': messages})
 formValidators = {
--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/homebase_adapters.py	2006/08/01 16:27:53	1.20
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/homebase_adapters.py	2006/09/25 22:59:15	1.21
@@ -986,6 +986,92 @@
 			newSystem.manage_role('View', [ 'Access contents information' , 'View' ])
 		except: pass
+def createClusterSystems(self, clusterName, nodeList):
+	try:
+		clusterObj = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/cluster/' + clusterName)
+		if not clusterObj:
+			raise
+	except:
+		nodeUnauth(nodeList)
+		return 'No cluster named \"' + clusterName + '\" is managed by Luci'
+	for i in nodeList:
+		if 'ricci_host' in i:
+			host = str(i['ricci_host'])
+		else:
+			host = str(i['host'])
+		try:
+			clusterObj.manage_addFolder(host, '__luci__:csystem:' + clusterName)
+			newSystem = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/cluster/' + clusterName + '/' + host)
+			if not newSystem:
+				raise
+			newSystem.manage_acquiredPermissions([])
+			newSystem.manage_role('View', [ 'Access contents information' , 'View' ])
+		except:
+			nodeUnauth(nodeList)
+			return 'Unable to create cluster node \"' + host + '\" for cluster \"' + clusterName + '\"'
+	try:
+		ssystem = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/storage/')
+		if not ssystem:
+			raise
+	except:
+		return
+	# Only add storage systems if the and cluster node DB
+	# objects were added successfully.
+	for i in nodeList:
+		if 'ricci_host' in i:
+			host = str(i['ricci_host'])
+		else:
+			host = str(i['host'])
+		try:
+			# It's already there, as a storage system, no problem.
+			exists = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/storage/' + host)
+			continue
+		except: pass
+		try:
+			ssystem.manage_addFolder(host, '__luci__:system')
+			newSystem = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/storage/' + host)
+			newSystem.manage_acquiredPermissions([])
+			newSystem.manage_role('View', [ 'Access contents information' , 'View' ])
+		except: pass
+def delSystem(self, systemName):
+	try:
+		ssystem = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/storage/')
+	except:
+		return 'Unable to find storage system \"' + systemName + '\"'
+	try:
+		rc = RicciCommunicator(systemName)
+		if not rc:
+			raise
+	except:
+		return 'Unable to connect to the ricci agent on \"' + systemName + '\" to unauthenticate'
+	# Only unauthenticate if the system isn't a member of
+	# a managed cluster.
+	cluster_info = rc.cluster_info()
+	if not cluster_info[0]:
+		try: rc.unauth()
+		except: pass
+	else:
+		try:
+			newSystem = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/cluster/' + cluster_info[0] + '/' + rc.system_name())
+		except:
+			try: rc.unauth()
+			except: pass
+	try:
+		ssystem.manage_delObjects([systemName])
+	except:
+		return 'Unable to delete storage system \"' + systemName + '\"'
 def delSystem(self, systemName):
 		ssystem = self.restrictedTraverse(PLONE_ROOT + '/systems/storage/')
--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/ricci_bridge.py	2006/09/23 04:04:08	1.18
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/ricci_bridge.py	2006/09/25 22:59:15	1.19
@@ -594,6 +594,57 @@
     #parse out log entry  
     return payload
+def addClusterNodeBatch(cluster_name, services, shared_storage, LVS):
+	batch = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'
+	batch += '<batch>'
+	batch += '<module name="rpm">'
+	batch += '<request API_version="1.0">'
+	batch += '<function_call name="install">'
+	batch += '<var name="sets" type="list_xml">'
+	batch += '<set name="Cluster Base"/>'
+	if services:
+		batch += '<set name="Cluster Service Manager"/>'
+	if shared_storage:
+		batch += '<set name="Clustered Storage"/>'
+	if LVS:
+		batch += '<set name="Linux Virtual Server"/>'
+	batch += '</var>'
+	batch += '</function_call>'
+	batch += '</request>'
+	batch += '</module>'
+	batch += '<module name="reboot">'
+	batch += '<request API_version="1.0">'
+	batch += '<function_call name="reboot_now"/>'
+	batch += '</request>'
+	batch += '</module>'
+	batch += '<module name="cluster">'
+	batch += '<request API_version="1.0">'
+	batch += '<function_call name="set_cluster.conf">'
+	batch += '<var mutable="false" name="propagate" type="boolean" value="false"/>'
+	batch += '<var mutable="false" name="cluster.conf" type="xml">'
+	batch += '<cluster config_version="1" name="' + cluster_name + '">'
+	batch += '<fence_daemon post_fail_delay="0" post_join_delay="3"/>'
+	batch += '<clusternodes/>'
+	batch += '<cman/>'
+	batch += '<fencedevices/>'
+	batch += '<rm/>'
+	batch += '</cluster>'
+	batch += '</var>'
+	batch += '</function_call>'
+	batch += '</request>'
+	batch += '</module>'
+	batch += '<module name="cluster">'
+	batch += '<request API_version="1.0">'
+	batch += '<function_call name="start_node"/>'
+	batch += '</request>'
+	batch += '</module>'
+	batch += '</batch>'
+	return minidom.parseString(batch).firstChild
 def createClusterBatch(cluster_name, cluster_alias, nodeList, services, shared_storage, LVS):
     batch = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'
     batch += '<batch>'

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