[Cluster-devel] [RCF] removing dead files from CVS HEAD

Lon Hohberger lhh at redhat.com
Mon Apr 30 19:55:32 UTC 2007

On Mon, Apr 30, 2007 at 04:22:55PM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:

> clumon/*  (moved to conga)
> cs-deploy-tool/* (last changelog update is from 2005. seems abandoned)

Stan should be able to answer these..

> csnap*/* (seems abandoned)
> ddraid/* (seems abandoned)

It basically is.  DRBD 0.8 and cmirror + gnbd/iscsi provide similar
solutions to the same problem, and are either close to or fully

> SUBDIRS  = apc bladecenter brocade bullpap drac egenera ilo ipmilan
> SUBDIRS += manual mcdata rps10 rsa rsb scsi sanbox2 vixel wti xvm
> DISABLEDSUBDIRS  = baytech cpint ibmblade primergy rackswitch
> DISABLEDSUBDIRS += rib vmware xcat xen zvm

> there are a bunch of modules that we don't build or install. Does anybody know
> what is the plan for those?

The disabled fence agents are only really disabled probably because
historically, we've kept the CVS pool as Red-Hat-centric as possible.
That is, we disable things we don't support.  From a community
perspective, several agents here should still built per-default.

baytech - This is specific to an old Bay Technologies switch IIRC; I do
not think this is even made anymore.  Probably safe to nuke.

cpint - I don't know what this is.

ibmblade - I don't know what this is.

primergy - I don't know what this is.

rackswitch - I don't know what this is.

rib - Old pre-iLO fencing agent.  I don't know if it's safe to remove or
not; I assume it's superceded by iLO, so it might be safe to remove.

rps10 - 2-node clusters only - very useful; not network-based power
switch.  Actually, I don't know why this isn't enabled *now*; it should

xcat -  I don't know what this is.

xen - kind of superceded by fence_xvm I think - may be safe to remove;
Patrick would know.

zvm - Don't nuke this; z/i/p series support will probably require this.

vmware - gsx/esx specific fencing agent.  Red Hat doesn't currently ship
this agent, but it's community developed, and people use it IIRC.

-- Lon

Lon Hohberger - Software Engineer - Red Hat, Inc.

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