[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions LuciZopeAsync.py

rmccabe at sourceware.org rmccabe at sourceware.org
Wed Aug 8 21:16:36 UTC 2007

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Branch: 	RHEL5
Changes by:	rmccabe at sourceware.org	2007-08-08 21:16:36

Modified files:
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: LuciZopeAsync.py 

Log message:
	Fix 230451, pass 3
	- luci backend support for managing fence_xvm keys, pass 2


--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/LuciZopeAsync.py	2007/08/08 21:14:38
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/LuciZopeAsync.py	2007/08/08 21:16:35
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute
+# it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the
+# GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation.
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from LuciSyslog import get_logger
+from LuciZope import GetReqVars
+from ricci_communicator import RicciCommunicator
+from conga_constants import LUCI_DEBUG_MODE
+luci_log = get_logger()
+def write_xml_resp(request, xml_obj):
+	request.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8')
+	request.RESPONSE.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, private')
+	request.RESPONSE.write(str(xml_obj.toprettyxml()))
+def result_to_xml(result):
+	import types
+	numeric_types = [
+		types.IntType, types.BooleanType, types.LongType, types.FloatType
+	]
+	root = minidom.Document()
+	def pyobj_to_xml(element_name, element, parent_node):
+		if type(element) is types.DictType:
+			if len(element) > 0:
+				xml_elem = root.createElement('dict')
+				xml_elem.setAttribute('name', str(element_name))
+				for i in element.iterkeys():
+					pyobj_to_xml(i, element[i], xml_elem)
+			else:
+				xml_elem = None
+		elif type(element) in [ types.ListType, types.TupleType ]:
+			if len(element) > 0:
+				xml_elem = root.createElement('list')
+				xml_elem.setAttribute('name', str(element_name))
+				for i in element:
+					pyobj_to_xml(element_name, i, xml_elem)
+			else:
+				xml_elem = None
+		else:
+			cur_tagname = None
+			try:
+				if parent_node.tagName == 'list':
+					cur_tagname = parent_node.getAttribute('name')
+			except:
+				cur_tagname = None
+			if not cur_tagname:
+				xml_elem = root.createElement('var')
+			else:
+				xml_elem = root.createElement(cur_tagname)
+			if type(element) in types.StringTypes:
+				cur_type = 'str'
+			elif type(element) in numeric_types:
+				cur_type = 'num'
+			else:
+				cur_type = None
+			if cur_type:
+				try:
+					if parent_node.tagName == 'dict':
+						xml_elem.setAttribute('name', str(element_name))
+				except:
+					pass
+				xml_elem.setAttribute('type', cur_type)
+				xml_elem.setAttribute('value', str(element))
+			else:
+				xml_elem = None
+		if xml_elem is not None:
+			parent_node.appendChild(xml_elem)
+	pyobj_to_xml('result', result[1], root)
+	res_elem = root.createElement('result')
+	res_elem.setAttribute('name', 'success')
+	res_elem.setAttribute('value', str(result[0]).lower())
+	root.firstChild.appendChild(res_elem)
+	return root
+def write_err_async(request, err_msg):
+	xml_obj = result_to_xml((False, { 'errors': err_msg }))
+	write_xml_resp(request, xml_obj)
+def get_cluster_nodes_async(self, request):
+	from LuciClusterInfo import getClusterConfNodes
+	from RicciQueries import getClusterConf
+	fvars = GetReqVars(request, [ 'QUERY_STRING' ])
+	if fvars['QUERY_STRING'] is None:
+		if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
+			luci_log.debug_verbose('GCNA: No query string was given')
+		write_err_async(request, 'No node names were given')
+		return None
+	try:
+		nodes = fvars['QUERY_STRING'].split('&')
+		node_list = map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda x: x[0][:4] == 'node', map(lambda x: x.split('='), nodes)))
+		if not node_list or len(node_list) < 1:
+			raise Exception, 'No node list'
+	except Exception, e:
+		if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
+			luci_log.debug_verbose('GCNA: %r %s' % (e, str(e)))
+		write_err_async(request, 'No node names were given')
+		return None
+	errors = list()
+	ret = {}
+	for node_host in node_list:
+		try:
+			rc = RicciCommunicator(node_host)
+			cluster_name = rc.cluster_info()[0]
+			if not cluster_name:
+				errors.append('%s is not a member of a cluster' \
+					% cluster_name)
+				continue
+		except Exception, e:
+			if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
+				luci_log.debug_verbose('GCNA0: ricci: %s: %r %s' \
+					% (node_host, e, str(e)))
+			errors.append('Unable to communicate with the ricci agent on %s' \
+				% node_host)
+			continue
+		try:
+			conf = getClusterConf(rc)
+			node_names = getClusterConfNodes(conf)
+			if not node_names or len(node_names) < 1:
+				raise Exception, 'no nodes'
+		except Exception, e:
+			if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
+				luci_log.debug_verbose('GCNA1: ricci: %s: %r %s' \
+					% (node_host, e, str(e)))
+			errors.append('Unable to retrieve a list of cluster nodes from %s' \
+				% node_host)
+			continue
+		ret[cluster_name] = {
+			'cluster': cluster_name,
+			'num_nodes': len(node_names),
+			'clusternode': node_names
+		}
+	ret['errors'] = errors
+	xml_obj = result_to_xml((len(errors) < len(node_list), ret))
+	write_xml_resp(request, xml_obj)
+def get_sysinfo_async(self, request):
+	from HelperFunctions import get_system_info
+	fvars = GetReqVars(request, [ 'QUERY_STRING' ])
+	try:
+		nodes = fvars['QUERY_STRING'].split('&')
+		node_list = map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda x: x[0][:4] == 'node', map(lambda x: x.split('='), nodes)))
+		if not node_list or len(node_list) < 1:
+			raise Exception, 'No node list'
+	except Exception, e:
+		if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
+			luci_log.debug_verbose('GSIA: %r %s' % (e, str(e)))
+		write_err_async(request, 'No node names were given')
+		return None
+	ret = {}
+	try:
+		ret = get_system_info(self, node_list)
+	except Exception, e:
+		if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
+			luci_log.debug_verbose('GNFPA %r: %r %s' \
+				% (request['nodenames'], e, str(e)))
+		write_err_async(request, 'Error retrieving information')
+		return None
+	xml_obj = result_to_xml(True, { 'result': ret })
+	write_xml_resp(request, xml_obj)

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