[Cluster-devel] conga/luci cluster/form-macros cluster/validat ...

rmccabe at sourceware.org rmccabe at sourceware.org
Fri Aug 24 18:40:30 UTC 2007

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Branch: 	RHEL4
Changes by:	rmccabe at sourceware.org	2007-08-24 18:40:29

Modified files:
	luci/cluster   : form-macros validate_config_multicast.js 
	luci/site/luci/Extensions: LuciClusterInfo.py 
	luci/site/luci/Extensions/ClusterModel: ModelBuilder.py 

Log message:
	Fix the issue described in bz253994: Cannot specify multicast address for a cluster


--- conga/luci/cluster/form-macros	2007/08/23 18:47:34
+++ conga/luci/cluster/form-macros	2007/08/24 18:40:28
@@ -1115,11 +1115,11 @@
 						Multicast address
 					<td class="systemsTable">
-						<input type="text" name="mcast_address" id="mcast_address"
+						<input type="text"
+							name="mcast_address" id="mcast_address"
-								disabled python: clusterinfo['is_mcast'] != 'True' and '1' or '0';
-								value python: clusterinfo['is_mcast'] == 'True' and clusterinfo['mcast_addr'] or '';"
-						/>
+								disabled not:clusterinfo/mcast_addr;
+								value clusterinfo/mcast_addr |nothing" />
--- conga/luci/cluster/validate_config_multicast.js	2007/08/09 21:28:50
+++ conga/luci/cluster/validate_config_multicast.js	2007/08/24 18:40:28
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 function disable_mcast(addrId) {
 	addrObj = document.getElementById(addrId);
-	if (!addrObj || addrObj.disabled)
+	if (!addrObj) {
+	}
 	addrObj.disabled = true;
 	prev_mcast_str = addrObj.value;
 	addrObj.value = '';
@@ -20,8 +21,9 @@
 function enable_mcast(addrId) {
 	addrObj = document.getElementById(addrId);
-	if (!addrObj || !addrObj.disabled)
+	if (!addrObj) {
+	}
 	addrObj.disabled = false;
 	addrObj.value = prev_mcast_str;
--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/LuciClusterInfo.py	2007/08/09 21:35:20
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/LuciClusterInfo.py	2007/08/24 18:40:29
@@ -620,8 +620,8 @@
 			clumap['mcast_addr'] = model.getMcastAddr()
 			clumap['is_mcast'] = 'True'
+			clumap['mcast_addr'] = None
 			clumap['is_mcast'] = 'False'
-			clumap['mcast_addr'] = ''
 		clumap['gulm'] = False
--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2007/08/23 19:00:30
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/cluster_adapters.py	2007/08/24 18:40:29
@@ -1000,13 +1000,21 @@
 		addr_str = None
-	if (addr_str is None and mcast_manual is not True) or (mcast_manual is True and addr_str == model.getMcastAddr()):
+	try:
+		old_mcast_addr = model.getMcastAddr()
+	except Exception, e:
+		luci_log.debug_verbose('VMCC0: %r %s' % (e, str(e)))
+		old_mcast_addr = None
+	if (addr_str is None and mcast_manual is not True and not old_mcast_addr) or (mcast_manual is True and addr_str == old_mcast_addr):
 		errors.append('No multicast configuration changes were made')
 		return (False, {'errors': errors})
-		model.usesMulticast = True
-		model.mcast_address = addr_str
+		if model.getMcastAddr() is not None and not addr_str:
+			model.del_cluster_multicast()
+		else:
+			model.set_cluster_multicast(addr_str)
 	except Exception, e:
 		if LUCI_DEBUG_MODE is True:
 			luci_log.debug('Error updating mcast properties: %r %s' \
--- conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/ClusterModel/ModelBuilder.py	2007/08/09 21:32:34
+++ conga/luci/site/luci/Extensions/ClusterModel/ModelBuilder.py	2007/08/24 18:40:29
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@
     self.filename = filename
     self.lock_type = DLM_TYPE
     self.mcast_address = mcast_addr
+    self.mcast_interface = None
+    self.mcast_ptr = None
     self.cluster_ptr = None
     self.GULM_ptr = None
     self.CMAN_ptr = None
@@ -269,7 +271,10 @@
     if self.usesMulticast is True:
       mcast = Multicast()
       mcast.addAttribute("addr", self.mcast_address)
+      if self.mcast_interface is not None:
+        mcast.addAttribute("interface", self.mcast_interface)
+      self.mcast_ptr = mcast
     fds = FenceDevices()
@@ -513,8 +518,9 @@
     if self.usesMulticast is True:
       mcast = Multicast()
-      mcast.addAttribute("addr", self.mcast_address)
-      mcast.addAttribute("interface", "eth0")  #eth0 is the default
+      mcast.addAttribute('addr', self.mcast_address)
+      if self.mcast_interface is not None:
+        mcast.addAttribute('interface', self.mcast_interface)
     self.isModified = True
@@ -914,61 +920,84 @@
       #set modified
       self.isModified = True
-  def swap_multicast_state(self, address=None):
-    if self.usesMulticast is True:
-      #First, eliminate <multicast> tag
-      if self.CMAN_ptr is not None:
-        children = self.CMAN_ptr.getChildren()
-        if len(children) > 0:
-          for child in children:
-            if child.getTagName() == MCAST_STR:
-              self.CMAN_ptr.removeChild(child)
-              break
-      found_one = True
-      while found_one is True:
-        found_one = False
-        nodes = self.clusternodes_ptr.getChildren()
-        for node in nodes:
-          node_children = node.getChildren()
-          for node_child in node_children:
-            if node_child.getTagName() == MCAST_STR:
-              node.removeChild(node_child)
-              found_one = True
-              break
-          if found_one is True:
-            break
+  def set_nodes_multicast(self, mcast_addr, mcast_if=None):
+    for node in iter(self.getNodes()):
+      new_mcast_tag = True
+      mcast = None
+      for node_child in iter(node.getChildren()):
+        if node_child.getTagName() == MCAST_STR:
+          mcast = node_child
+          new_mcast_tag = False
+          break
-      self.usesMulticast = False
-      self.mcast_address = None
-      self.isModified = True
+      if mcast is None:
+        mcast = Multicast()
+      mcast.addAttribute('addr', mcast_addr)
+      if mcast_if:
+        mcast.addAttribute('interface', mcast_if)
+      else:
+        try:
+          mcast.removeAttribute('interface')
+        except:
+          pass
+      if new_mcast_tag is True:
+        node.addChild(mcast)
+  def set_cluster_multicast(self, mcast_addr, mcast_if=None):
+    if not self.CMAN_ptr:
+      return False
+    if self.mcast_ptr is None:
+      mcast = Multicast()
+      self.CMAN_ptr.addChild(mcast)
+      self.mcast_ptr = mcast
-      if self.CMAN_ptr is not None:
-        mcast = Multicast()
-        mcast.addAttribute("addr", address)
-        self.CMAN_ptr.addChild(mcast)
+      mcast = self.mcast_ptr
-      has_one = False
-      nodes = self.getNodes()
-      for node in nodes:
-        has_one = False
-        node_children = node.getChildren()
-        for node_child in node_children:
-          if node_child.getTagName() == MCAST_STR:
-            has_one = True
-            break
-        if has_one is False:
-          mcast = Multicast()
-          mcast.addAttribute("addr", address)
-          mcast.addAttribute("interface", "eth0")
-          node.addChild(mcast)
+    mcast.addAttribute('addr', mcast_addr)
+    if mcast_if is not None:
+      mcast.addAttribute('interface', mcast_if)
+    else:
+      try:
+        mcast.removeAttribute('interface')
+      except:
+        pass
+    self.mcast_address = mcast_addr 
+    self.mcast_interface = mcast_if
+    self.usesMulticast = True
+    self.set_nodes_multicast(mcast_addr, mcast_if=mcast_if)
+    self.isModified = True
-      self.mcast_address = address
-      self.usesMulticast = True
-      self.isModified = True
+  def del_nodes_multicast(self):
+    for node in iter(self.getNodes()):
+      for node_child in iter(node.getChildren()):
+        if node_child.getTagName() == MCAST_STR:
+          node.removeChild(node_child)
+          break
+  def del_cluster_multicast(self):
+    if self.CMAN_ptr is None:
+      return False
+    for child in iter(self.CMAN_ptr.getChildren()):
+      if child.getTagName() == MCAST_STR:
+        self.CMAN_ptr.removeChild(child)
+        break
+    self.mcast_ptr = None
+    self.usesMulticast = False
+    self.mcast_address = None
+    self.mcast_interface = None
+    self.del_nodes_multicast()
+    self.isModified = True
+  def swap_multicast_state(self, address=None, mcast_if=None):
+    if self.usesMulticast is True:
+      self.del_cluster_multicast()
+    else:
+      self.set_cluster_multicast(address, mcast_if)
   def check_fence_daemon(self):
     if self.GULM_ptr is None and self.fence_daemon_ptr is None:

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