[Cluster-devel] conga/luci/test CGA_0200_Create_cluster.py con ...

ldimaggi at sourceware.org ldimaggi at sourceware.org
Tue Feb 20 20:18:26 UTC 2007

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	conga
Changes by:	ldimaggi at sourceware.org	2007-02-20 20:18:25

Modified files:
	luci/test      : CGA_0200_Create_cluster.py congaDemoTests.py 
	                 conga_Helpers.py conga_suite.py 

Log message:
	Updating to match GUI changes


--- conga/luci/test/CGA_0200_Create_cluster.py	2007/02/05 17:30:49	1.3
+++ conga/luci/test/CGA_0200_Create_cluster.py	2007/02/20 20:18:25	1.4
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
             systemCounter = systemCounter + 1
             if (systemCounter > 2):
                 sel.click("//input[@value='Add Another Row']")          
-        sel.click("document.adminform.rhn_dl[1]")
+        #sel.click("document.adminform.rhn_dl[1]")
@@ -81,34 +81,48 @@
+        # Wait 5 minutes for the cluster nodes to be rebooted
+        time.sleep (300)
         # Validation - verify that the newly created cluster shows up in the cluster list        
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
         sel.click("link=Manage Systems")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
         self.assertTrue (sel.is_text_present('testCluster'))
         self.assertTrue (sel.is_element_present("name=__CLUSTER:testCluster"))
-        # Delete the cluster - note that this only deletes the reference to the cluster
-        # in the luci web app - need to build a way to delete /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
-        # and stop cman service on cluster nodes - TODO - see bug #
-        # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=213076        
-        self.logger.debug('Delete cluster: testCluster')
-        sel.click("name=__CLUSTER:testCluster")
-        sel.click("document.adminform.Submit")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000")
-        self.assertEqual("Do you really want to remove the following managed systems:\nClusters:\n-testCluster", sel.get_confirmation())
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-        self.assertTrue (sel.is_text_present('Removed cluster "testCluster" successfully'))
+        # Then - delete the cluster
+        sel.click("link=homebase")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        sel.click("link=cluster")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        sel.select("cluster_action", "label=Delete this cluster")
+        sel.click("//input[@value='Go']")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        sel.click("link=homebase")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        sel.click("link=Manage Systems")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)       
         # Delete the storage systems created when the cluster was created
         for systemName in CONGA_SMALL_CLUSTER_SYSTEMS:
-            deleteStorageSystem(sel, systemName)
+            deleteStorageSystem(sel, systemName, self.logger)
            # Validation - verify that the success message was displayed for each storage system
             self.assertEqual("Do you really want to remove the following managed systems:\nStorage Systems:\n-" + systemName, sel.get_confirmation())
             self.assertTrue (sel.is_text_present('Removed storage system "' + systemName + '" successfully'))
+        # And the cluster reference in the storage system list too
+        sel.click("link=homebase")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        sel.click("link=Manage Systems")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        sel.click("__CLUSTER0")
+        sel.click("document.adminform.Submit")
+        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
+        self.assertEqual("Do you really want to remove the following managed systems:\nClusters:\n-testCluster", sel.get_confirmation())
         self.logger.info('Ending test case CGA_0200_Create_cluster.test_congaCluster')
     def tearDown(self):
--- conga/luci/test/congaDemoTests.py	2007/02/05 17:30:49	1.9
+++ conga/luci/test/congaDemoTests.py	2007/02/20 20:18:25	1.10
@@ -101,71 +101,6 @@
         self.logger.info('Ending test case congaDemoTests.test_congaUsers')
-    def test_congaCluster(self):
-        """Test to create and delete a cluster"""
-        self.logger.info('Starting test case congaDemoTests.test_congaCluster')
-        sel = self.selenium
-        sel.open("/luci/homebase")
-        sel.click("link=cluster")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-        sel.click("link=Create a New Cluster")
-        # Create the new "testCluster" cluster
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-        sel.type("clusterName", "testCluster")
-        self.logger.debug('Create cluster: testCluster')
-        # Add the nodes to the cluster
-        # Needed to generalize statements like this:
-        #     sel.type("__SYSTEM1:Addr", "tng3-2.lab.msp.redhat.com")
-        #     sel.type("__SYSTEM1:Passwd", "password")
-        #     sel.click("//input[@value='Add Another Row']")
-        systemCounter = 0
-        for systemName in CONGA_SMALL_CLUSTER_SYSTEMS.keys():
-            sel.type("__SYSTEM" + str(systemCounter) + ":Addr", systemName)
-            sel.type("__SYSTEM" + str(systemCounter) + ":Passwd", CONGA_SMALL_CLUSTER_SYSTEMS[systemName])
-            systemCounter = systemCounter + 1
-            if (systemCounter > 2):
-                sel.click("//input[@value='Add another entry']")          
-        #sel.click("document.adminform.rhn_dl[1]")
-        sel.click("Submit")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-        self.assertEqual('Add the cluster "testCluster" to the Luci management interface?' , sel.get_confirmation())
-        #sel.click("link=testCluster")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-        # Validation - verify that the newly created cluster shows up in the cluster list        
-        sel.click("link=homebase")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000")
-        sel.click("link=Manage Systems")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000")
-        self.assertTrue (sel.is_text_present('testCluster'))
-        self.assertTrue (sel.is_element_present("name=__CLUSTER:testCluster"))
-        # Delete the cluster - note that this only deletes the reference to the cluster
-        # in the luci web app - need to build a way to delete /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
-        # and stop cman service on cluster nodes - TODO - see bug #
-        # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=213076        
-        self.logger.debug('Delete cluster: testCluster')
-        sel.click("name=__CLUSTER:testCluster")
-        sel.click("document.adminform.Submit")
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load("30000")
-        self.assertEqual("Do you really want to remove the following managed systems:\nClusters:\n-testCluster", sel.get_confirmation())
-        sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-        self.assertTrue (sel.is_text_present('Removed cluster "testCluster" successfully'))
-        # Delete the storage systems created when the cluster was created
-        for systemName in CONGA_SMALL_CLUSTER_SYSTEMS:
-            deleteStorageSystem(sel, systemName, self.logger)
-           # Validation - verify that the success message was displayed for each storage system
-            self.assertEqual("Do you really want to remove the following managed systems:\nStorage Systems:\n-" + systemName, sel.get_confirmation())
-            sel.wait_for_page_to_load(PAGE_DISPLAY_DELAY)
-            self.assertTrue (sel.is_text_present('Removed storage system "' + systemName + '" successfully'))
-        self.logger.info('Ending test case congaDemoTests.test_congaCluster')
     def tearDown(self):
         """Logout and stop Selenium session"""
@@ -176,7 +111,6 @@
         suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-        #suite.addTest(congaDemoTests('test_congaCluster'))
         return suite
 if __name__ == "__main__":
--- conga/luci/test/conga_Helpers.py	2007/02/09 03:23:17	1.12
+++ conga/luci/test/conga_Helpers.py	2007/02/20 20:18:25	1.13
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 CONGA_SERVER = 'http://tng3-5.lab.msp.redhat.com:8080'
 CONGA_LOG = '/var/tmp/congaTest.log'
 CONGA_DEBUG_LOG = '/var/tmp/congaTest_debug.log'
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
                          'tng3-4.lab.msp.redhat.com':'password' }
-CONGA_LARGE_CLUSTER_SYSTEMS = {'tng3-1.lab.msp.redhat.com':'password', 
+CONGA_LARGE_CLUSTER_SYSTEMS = {#'tng3-1.lab.msp.redhat.com':'password', 
--- conga/luci/test/conga_suite.py	2007/02/09 03:23:17	1.9
+++ conga/luci/test/conga_suite.py	2007/02/20 20:18:25	1.10
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
 # Assemble the suite
 suite = unittest.TestSuite()
 # Run the test suite

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