[Cluster-devel] cluster/cman/man qdisk.5

lhh at sourceware.org lhh at sourceware.org
Wed Nov 14 17:14:21 UTC 2007

CVSROOT:	/cvs/cluster
Module name:	cluster
Branch: 	RHEL4
Changes by:	lhh at sourceware.org	2007-11-14 17:14:21

Modified files:
	cman/man       : qdisk.5 

Log message:
	Clarify qdisk man page some


--- cluster/cman/man/qdisk.5	2007/03/20 19:36:14
+++ cluster/cman/man/qdisk.5	2007/11/14 17:14:21
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-.TH "QDisk" "5" "20 Feb 2007" "" "Cluster Quorum Disk"
+.TH "QDisk" "5" "06 Sep 2007" "" "Cluster Quorum Disk"
-QDisk 1.2 \- a disk-based quorum daemon for CMAN / Linux-Cluster
+QDisk 1.2.1 \- a disk-based quorum daemon for CMAN / Linux-Cluster
 .SH "1. Overview"
 .SH "1.1 Problem"
 In some situations, it may be necessary or desirable to sustain
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
 * Cluster node IDs must be statically configured in cluster.conf and
 must be numbered from 1..16 (there can be gaps, of course).
-* Cluster node votes should be more or less equal.
+* Cluster nodes must have one vote each.  The effects of nodes having
+any number of votes besides 1 has not been explored.
 * CMAN must be running before the qdisk program can operate in full
 capacity.  If CMAN is not running, qdisk will wait for it.
@@ -83,10 +84,10 @@
 failure + load spike situation.
 * For 'all-but-one' failure operation, the total number of votes assigned
-to the quorum device should be equal to or greater than the total number
-of node-votes in the cluster.  While it is possible to assign only one
-(or a few) votes to the quorum device, the effects of doing so have not
-been explored.
+to the quorum device should be equal to the number of nodes in the cluster
+minus 1.  For example, if you have 3 nodes in the cluster, each node should
+get one vote and qdisk should get 2 votes.  This then lets the cluster 
+operate without qdisk if all nodes are online for testing and other purposes.
 * For 'tiebreaker' operation in a two-node cluster, unset CMAN's two_node
 flag (or set it to 0), set CMAN's expected votes to '3', set each node's
@@ -338,6 +339,13 @@
 on every block device found, comparing the label against the specified
 label.  This is useful in configurations where the block device name
 differs on a per-node basis.
+.in 9
+.in 12
+This overrides the label advertised to CMAN if present.  If specified,
+the quorum daemon will register with this name instead of the actual
+device name.
 .in 8
 .in 0

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