[Cluster-devel] [Linux-HA] announcement: planning resource-agents release 3.9.6

Lars Ellenberg lars.ellenberg at linbit.com
Mon Sep 30 13:47:18 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 03:33:35PM +0200, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> Hello,
> We released resource-agents v3.9.5 back in February. In the
> meantime there have been quite a few fixes and new features
> pushed to the repository and it is high time for another release.
> Lars Ellenberg will run the release this time and do whatever is
> necessary that we have a good set of resource agents.
> Thanks Lars!

Is that so ;-)
I thought I'd "only" try to poke all contributers,
authors and maintainers, as well as the community,
to either raise issues now,
or don't get to complain about it later ;)

> Two milestones were created at github.com today and this is the
> tentative schedule:
> 3.9.6-rc1: October 9.
> 3.9.6: October 16.
> If there's anything you think should be part of the release
> please open an issue, a pull request, or a bugzilla, as you see
> fit.
> If there's anything that hasn't received due attention, please
> let us know.
> Finally, if you can help with resolving issues consider yourself
> invited to do so.


: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
: DRBD/HA support and consulting http://www.linbit.com

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