[Container-tools] Eclipse and ADB

Neependra Khare neependra.khare at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 09:30:59 UTC 2015

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Burr Sutter <bsutter at redhat.com> wrote:

> Neependra,
> We would LOVE to hear more about your scenario as it is specifically one
> we are working hard to address.
> Some more thoughts in-line, below.

Sure. I would try to join container tools meeting as well.

> On December 18, 2015 at 5:55:29 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen (
> manderse at redhat.com) wrote:
> On 17 Dec 2015, at 17:32, Neependra Khare wrote:
> Hi,
> I am engaged with a PoC, where a company is trying to
> embrace DevOps from traditional IT.
> They have chalked out initial plan and at first stage we are enabling
> with container based dev environment for developers. All of
> the developers are on Windows and they do development using
> Eclipse.
> That specific combination of Eclipse on Windows for container development
> is our top priority use case.
> Question: What programming language will this company be using? I assume
> Java but it could be this company might also be using a lot of JavaScript
> or Python for their container-based service development.

As of I know its mostly Java. But I suspect JavaScript would also be there.

> They would be running a VM with Project Atomic/CentOS
> and build containers on them so that developers can do initial
> QA on their on.
> +1
> Once that is done they would follow CI/CD pipeline.
> That is our focus as well.
> Question: Please provide more details on the actual “flow” of events, will
> the developer submit a git pull request, that will be CI built,
> auto-tested, human reviewed and all those pass then merged into head/trunk
> where another CI job will produce the overall build which is auto-tested?
> And if that succeeds moves the build to the next stage in the pipeline?

We are still evolving the "flow" of event and will keep you posted.

> In the discussion one question came. If Eclipse can directly connect
> to the VM running containers then why we would need ADB.
> You don't. The benefit ADB gives you (besides ease-of-use)
> is that it runs on Red Hat supported OS and docker variant.
> If they already have that setup in their own vagrant/docker based setup
> then not a big difference.
>  We are currently building the setup. ADB might not be giving much benefit
now but
what we can do to make it a popular choice.

> Max, is another way to say this…ADB gives you a vagrant .box and a vagrant
> plugin which spits out the IP and port of the docker daemon?

> I was
> suggesting to use ADB because using that we can run K8s inside
> the VM, as in production easily and do initial QA. Can someone
> mention more benefits for using ADB instead of just Eclipse plugin
> for Docker.
> Eclipse Plugin for Docker can be used with any Docker container not just
> thus not sure why you would call that out as the advantage of ADB.
> Also is there any workflow for submitting a job on K8s from Eclipse ?
> I don't understand what "submitting a job on K8s" would mean, but
> we have OpenShift tooling support.
> At this time, the eclipse tooling targets docker and openshift, not
> specifically K8s.
> Neependra, please provide more details as to how the developer will craft
> the necessary K8s json files.  I am assuming this developer will be
> comfortable with the “kubectl” command from inside the VM (after vagrant
> ssh).
The idea it to keep developer away from all the complexity of Docker and
K8s.  The Developer
would not craft the K8s json. An expert would put it inside the box image.
The Developer
would just work on his/her code on Eclipse and from there he/she can be
able to deploy the new
code on Vargant and test it over a URL. Here is what we are thinking about.

1. The IT admin would setup VirtualBox and Vagrant on Developer Desktop.
2. The Vagrant plugin would be installed with Eclipse.
3. A Vagrantfile would be created inside the project in which Developer is
With Vagrantfile :-
- we would setup ADB or other VM with single node K8s.
- create a shared folder b/w Windows and VM.
4. The Developer would compile the code on Windows and put in on shared
5. In the provision section of Vagrantfile we would put the *kubeclt *command
to deploy
the app with latest code.
6. Next time whenever there is new build, the developer would just do*
vagrant provision*
from the Eclipse Vagrant plugin to deploy new code.

Hope this helps.


> /max
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Neependra
> www.neependra.net
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