[Container-tools] Notes from Container Tools cabal call July 8

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Wed Jul 8 15:15:41 UTC 2015

                   Notes from Tools Cabal Call July 8

  Aaron  Weitekamp
  Brian Exelbierd
  Brian  Stinson
  Christoph  Goern
  Daniel Veillard
  Dusty Mabe
  Fabian  Arrotin
  Ian  McLeod
  Jan  Beran
  Karanbir  Singh
  Langdon White
  Mark Lamourine
  Radek  Vokal

 * We need to explain the big picture, context, what we are trying to
   solve, and how to build complex applicationm
 * Documentation the  people interested into building the apps and
   deploying with kubernete
 * Mark looking at the Atomic Enterprise documentation, it was just a list
   of operation, but without context, it's important that we define context
 * Not that many people are familiar of Kubernete, we need to explain
 * How to make clear to people that there is a problem to be solved,
   most users just using Docker may not grasp the issue of large deployement
 * What is the point of having all the OpenShift binaries in the Beta
   tools ? We need to clarify the story
 * We should alsways refere to Nulecule as "Nulecule spec" and point at
   Atomic App as one implementation of the Nulecule spec
 * Terminology let's make sure we align with the language from Open Container.
 * How many genuinely working examples do we have at the moment? Do our
   examples really support a growth pattern and show the aspects we want
   to demonstrate?
 * the examples dir should all work:
   but the examples are not in CI, so that is a problem.

Well defined goals and incomplete bits is better than the opposite

Release of the Beta:
 * the atomic apps should be pushed in beta at some point
 * We should have some documentation
 * Lala's integration of Openshift and his Vagrant should be included
 * Langdon want to have the parts needed written down
 * Defining clearly what the CDK is needed, we need an evangelist :-)

 Use case for Openshift;
 * how is that supposed to work
 * fleshing out the provider, and making sure 
 * how much engineering work is needed
 * It seem the bits of OpenShift that are packaged for Atomic Enterprise
   sufficient, they might even be able to use nulecule to build Atomic

Item 70:
 * https://github.com/projectatomic/nulecule/issues/70
 * replacing pure variable substituition with XPath like expressions for JSon
 * need to do that change in the spec
 * Aaron to guide DV to point him to what need to be done

Nulecule spec:
 * resisting to add the build aspects which are not part of the core
 * We can look at the wording and meaning of words

Looking at the Open Container platform new specification and how to relate:
 * reading the docs Langdon had the impression they plan to go further
   than just containers there
 * DV assigned to find who own the relationship (vincent batts ?) and make
   sure where Nulecule fits into that effort. Invite him here ?
 * we need to associate with  Open Container platform and code base to
   protect the code and grow the community over long term


Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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