[Container-tools] Recommendations for bootstrapping a local k8s cluster?

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Thu May 21 05:34:03 UTC 2015

Following on from my initial experimentation with helloapache, it
quickly became clear to me that a local k8s cluster is going to be
essential for any serious exploration of nulecule's capabilities (with
my main aim being to see how much of
https://beaker-project.org/docs-develop/in-a-box/ nulecule can already
handle, and what would be needed to get it the rest of the way).

James has some Oh My Vagrant instructions at

k8s upstream has some Vagrant based instructions at

Neither of those seem particularly appealing, so if there's a way to
make it work I'd like something along the lines of:

    # dnf install atomic vagrant vagrant-libvirt
    # systemctl start docker.service
    # atomic run projectatomic/bootstrap_k8s

And end up with 3 local VMs running Fedora-or-CentOS Atomic Host

If this sounds like a potentially viable approach to bootstrapping, I
*am* offering to write it (Beaker-in-a-box does something a bit like
this already, and doing it in a privileged container means I can
potentially reuse Beaker's Ansible scripts without making it a
requirement to install that locally).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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